13/05/2010 - Editorial Arcigay
10 days of cultural projects in over 50 cities and towns from north to south of the peninsula. This is the action that the provincial committees Arcigay carry on with determination to contact and raising awareness through stimuli such as films or theatrical performances, book presentations, moments of confrontation, training workshops.
not only in big cities like Rome, Milan and Bologna, but also in small towns of the province, as in Saluzzo (Cuneo) or Cannock (Peru

"The largest share of Arcigay is to enhance the human relationship with the citizens of our country, who thirst to know the lives of homosexual persons and to understand different experiences" - says the manager of the Territories of Arcigay Marco Coppola - "this is the sense of the increasingly popular proliferation of events that tell of love and family, showing up in the most remote village in the Italian provinces, the everyday life of lesbian and gay people. "
also in dozens of cities will be posted in recent days, the campaign posters
" Love always wins over hate " promoted by Arcigay and 10 other associations, just to fight the fear and homophobia. Here
- CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED - all the cultural and social Arcigay, through its provincial committees, propose. We also Arcigay some important events in which it participates.
10 to 28 May 2010 - Children of the Moon Arcigay
The Colors of Love - A month of cultural and artistic initiatives to combat homophobia BERGAMO
15 to 17 May 2010 - 11th Arcigay Cives
NOT HATE - Bergamo refuses omofobiaConvegno legal and cultural initiatives in the city, including a photo exhibition Stolen Kisses
May 15, 2010 - Arcigay Makwan
Meeting for inter-religious dialogue
May 16, 2010 - Alan Turing Arcigay and Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna
DIFFERENCES An afternoon of reflection, music and fun in the central Piazza Cavour
7 to 17 May 2010 - Arcigay Omphalos
homophobia ADOPT A FENNEL public display, information point 1st festival and Fennel
14 to 17 May 2010 - Rainbow Arcigay
TRIESTE AGAINST OMOFOBIALa Dragonfly Bert D'Arragon, the Conference of the initiative to school to learn, Film Love, and Just
May 16 - Arcigay Lombardia - coordination with LGBTQ * Lombard
LOVE SPIAZZI event with entertainment, music, debate and testimony
May 17 to 21 - IGC Arcigay
Three initiatives in culture, education and secularism
- May 17 - 20:45, Room Guicciardini: discussed by the Council for the laity in the institutions, at 21, based Arcigay Milan: May 21-hour training meeting 20 Claudiana Library Auditorium: Public debate on the Constitutional Court
17 to 22 May - A week Arcigay polytropic
against omofobiaLetture, cinema, debates and images in the Sala della Gran Guardia
11 to 15 May 2010 - The Salamander Arcigay
United against homophobia, torchlight, May 15 End of Film Review Almost Nothing
16 to 17 May 2010 - The Lighthouse Arcigay
Derive homophobic and transfobicheDibattito, information point and wheel
16 to 17 May 2010 - Arcigay Tralaltro
Chrome Derek JarmanSpettacolo first national theater in the cultural center Altinate-San Gaetano, 71 via Altinate
16 to 21 May 2010 - Sunday 16-Arcigay Group Time: Gay Street, via San Giovanni in Laterano: Show 'looks into the face of violence 'ArciLesbica with Rome and banquet information
- Friday, 21, home Arcigay via Zabaglia 14: Opening of exhibition against homophobia in collab. Amnesty Intenational ArciLesbica and Rome. Until June 6
May 17, 2010 - July 8 Arcigay
Astra Cinema, Corso Buonarroti, at 21.00In ArciLesbica collaboration with The Other Venus, under the patronage of the Municipality of Trento, screening of Love and Basta (Italy - 2009, documentary) by Stefano Council
May 17, 2010 - Syracuse Arcigay
10.30, Seating Grand Hotel: Press Conference on Campaign Against Homophobia
13 to 17 May 2010 - May Agorà 13 Arcigay, Piazzale Collenuccio: awareness-raising banquet, May 17 17:30 , opening of new premises at the Ferrhotel "House of Associations", in the Miralfiore fourth (behind the railway station), from May 17: 4 evenings organized by the Film Shining dedicated to the films of Derek Jarman, via Passeri 33
May 13, 2010 - Arcigay Centaurus
torchlight procession in the Piazza del Grano in response to the aggression of the homophobic May 8
May 17, 2010 Arcigay Ottavio Mai participates all'UNIPRIDE organized by The Jungle
Palazzo Nuovo, Via Sant'Ottavio 20, 9:00 am: Debate "in rejecting what you do not know"; Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Grugliasco, NO Show homophobia, Flash Mob "Get cushion homophobia"
May 17, 2010
17 hours, Polo Academy of Social Sciences Novoli between Viale Guidoni, via Forlanini and so Novoli: Debate Catholic Church, homophobia and rights of homosexuals with Pasquale Quaranta , Saverio Aversa and James Guccinelli (responsible Arcigay Youth Network). Organized by Left Universitaria Udu.
Torre del Lago (LU)
May 15, 2010
KISS-IN HAND Homophobia - 22:30 pm Daniele Nardini interview the national president of Arcigay Paolo Patanè 0:00 pm-Flash Mob: group kiss against homophobia c / o Mamamia, Viale Europa 5
... and soon other initiatives to Verona, Ravenna , Udine, Treviso, Pistoia, Verbania, Brescia, Cremona, Pisa, Florence, Palermo, Bari ..
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