Mary Shelley and Frankenstein
London November 11, 1812. Percy Shelley meets Mary Godwin first home of her father. 1814, Percy has already returned from Ireland and moved to Bracknell. He meets often with the sixteen year old Mary. And on June 26, before the tomb of her mother, he swears eternal love. The two boys meet in secret on July 28 when they decide to leave without saying anything to her parents. Together the two of them joins Jane Claire's sister, Mary. Two through eight from visiting Paris in August, continued to Switzerland, crossing the territories until a few weeks earlier devastated by war: "Villages and towns completely destroyed and burned, the white towering ruins stand in countless ways among beautiful trees. The inhabitants are starving, no food, or decent housing, filth, misery and famine everywhere "(letter of Percy to Harriet Westbrook 13 August 1814). journey continues, almost without stopping, pausing for a moment to Brunnen on Lake Lucerne, where Shelley begins the novel The assassins who will leave soon. On August 27, starting the return journey by river. date from the Rhine to Rotterdam where 8 September embarked for England, where they arrived on the 13th of that month. The three are to live together in 5 Church Terrace, Pancras. Mary Isabel tries to get back in touch but David Booth prevents her from approaching her. From October 23 to November 9 Shelley is forced to hide from his creditors. In this period they live apart, until November 9, when the three boys, now inseparable, moving in Blackfriars, 2 Nelson Square. On November 14, Thomas Hogg, who had met Shelley at Oxford University, is visiting his friend, and was fascinated by Mary. Meanwhile, Harriet, who wrote to Shelley on most days, gives birth to Charles (November 30), born from the union with Percy.
Perhaps therefore the euphoria of celebration last year, Hogg, with the consent of Shelley, declares his love to Mary seventeen, which was also fascinated by his friend's boyfriend. But they are only games of adolescents to experience first love, who are led by the attraction, like the one between Shelley and Jane Claire, who for a few months you will make their love story. On January 10 the three boys moved in 4 Hans Place, and Mary on Feb. 22, two months in advance, from 'Clara in the light, the result of one of the first meetings took place in June with Shelley. On March 2, the three move on and start living in 13 Arabella Road, Pimlico, March 6 but little Clara, who was born prematurely, unable to overcome a crisis. On the death of her daughter's grandfather was added to the Percy, the boy inherits from 7400 pounds, of which 1000 will donate immediately Godwin, and to ensure Harriet 200 pounds a year. Just May 13, the day the agreement between Percy and Godwin, Jane Claire leaves the couple and moved Lynmouth, off the coast of Devon, where the two boys spend their holidays in June and July. On August 4, the day of the twenty-fourth birthday of Shelley, the two moved to Bishopsgate, near 's eastern entrance of Windsor Great Park. The first week of September, during the boat trip on the Thames with Mary, Claire, and his friend Peacock, Shelley began to compose the poem "Alastor."
24 January 1816. Mary gave birth to William, named in honor of Godwin, who does nothing but pontificate on the lives of two young people and refuses to accept Shelley, Alastor that while the public with a copy to Robert Southey, who did not respond. On May 3, together Mary, his son, and Claire, pregnant with Byron, he left for the continent: from eight to 10 May are back in Paris, then go to Dijon, Dole and the Jura mountains and proceeding under the snow to reach Geneva. Staying at the Hotel de l'Anglaterre in the suburb of Sécheron, which arrives May 25 Byron, accompanied by William Fletcher valet and personal physician Polidori (1795-1822). The two writers will meet for the first time May 27. The three boys with the little cottage of William settle in Monte Alegre, on the opposite shore of the lake, while Byron June 10 settles at the Villa Diodati, where the party is found almost every evening. It is here that the stormy night of June 16 will be born literary competition while reading stories about ghosts of German Enchantment. From June 22 to 30 Shelley and Byron spend a week alone along the trails of Lake Geneva, visiting the Castle of Chillon, the Bosquet de Julie in Clarens and coming to Lausanne, while on July 21-27, will also involve the girls to get to the Alps, to Mont Blanc and Chamonix, the scenario that the young Mary to resume the book just begun (Frankenstein). In the meantime, Villa Diodati in August comes Matthews Lewis (1775-1818) the author of the gothic novel The Monk. On August 29 the three boys leave Geneva, visit Fontainebleau and Versailles on Sept. 3 and two, reaching Le Havre, where on September 5 set sail for England arriving in Portsmouth on the eighth of September. In the months following Mary and Claire live in Bath, Abbey Churchyard, while Shelley returned to London, where on Sept. 24 that will sign up three months earlier when a storm on Lake Geneva had made him fear for his life, is also 'last day will see that Fanny Imlay, Mary's sister, you take away his life on Oct. 9 with an overdose of laudanum. Shortly after Shelley reached the two girls in Bath. Meanwhile, the columnist writes an article on Leigh Hunt '"Examiner" (December 1) dedicated to young promising poetics of the moment: Keats, Shelley and Reynolds. It will be born a correspondence between the two that will become soon in friendship and will allow him to attend the circle of artists in Hampstead, where around Leigh Hunt meet Keats (1795-1821), Charles Lamb (1775-1834), William Hazlitt (1778-1830), John Reynolds (1796 -1852), Benjamin Haydon (1786-1846) and brother James (1775-1839) and Horace Smith (17779-1849). But on December 15 Percy is shaken by the news of the suicide of Harriet, his first, his young wife, who died Nov. 9 and found dead in Hyde Park Serpentine Lake on December 10. Perhaps trying to keep her son Charles, who otherwise would be entrusted to Eliza's sister, Harriet, decided to adjust the union with Mary. The two boys are married Dec. 30 in St.Mildred 's Church. William Godwin finally abandon his long silence and reconciles the two, who live at the beginning first with Hunt and then with Godwin and his wife.
On January 12, 1817, in Bath, Claire from 'the light of Dawn, at the request of Byron will be named Allegra. A birth that Godwin and acquaintances will be kept secret. Meanwhile, January 10 High Court of Justice has started the appeal for the custody of the children of Harriet, which will end March 17 when the Lord Chancellor Eldon denied custody of both the Charles and Ianthe Shelley to Westbrook, delegating to adoptive parents, but then subsequently entrusted to the father of Sverre Charlie and Shelley Ianthe Eliza. In early March, Percy and Mary moved to Marlow, thirty miles from London, guests of Peacock and his mother while waiting for the 18th of the month at Albion House, a rented house nearby with a twenty-year contract. The 25 will be joined by Claire and the small Allegra.In this time Shelley composed the pamphlet A Proposal for Putting Reform to the Vote throughout the Kingdom, sending it to various members of the reformist movement, including Robert Owen, Cobbett, Cartwright. Meanwhile, on May 14 completes the Frankenstein Mary and Percy manages to assure Lackington a contract with the publisher, Allen & Co. Shelley reads the "Faerie Queen" of Spenser and begins the epic Laon and Cythna ", written just spenseriane in rooms. The cold will spend the summer in the river and hiking in the woods of Clifton law while Shelley 's "Iliad", the works of Arrian, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Shakespeare. Clara was born on September 2 Everina. On September 20, Shelley ends Laon and Cythna and immediately left for London, along with Claire, looking for a publisher, while in the meantime because of his generosity again finds himself in debt so that by the middle of October he was arrested for several days. Rosalind and Helen begins the poem, translated Spinoza's Tractatus and ends the preface to Laon and Cythna, to be published by Charles Ollier, but immediately withdrawn, revised and resubmitted to the public as The Revolt of Islam. A Berkeley law in November, Gibbon, Milton and Coleridge Biographia Literariadi, while the story of the six-week tour, co-authored with Mary, is published by Ollier and Hookham, but anonymously.
1 January 1818. Publishers Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Marvor Jones and publish the Frankenstein that is rejected by publishers instead Ollier and Murray. On February 10, Shelley is able to sell the wet Albion House. He moved to London, 119 Great Russell Street, opposite the British Museum. English will be the last residence before leaving for ever England. Meanwhile, Percy is suffering from a serious ophthalmia, contracted during a visit of charity to the poor of Marlow. February is marked by a great social life and many social activities in the company of Peacock, Hogg, Hunt, Keats and others in the circle of Hampstead. The March 11 Percy. Mary and Claire, Milly Shields, a maid of Marlow, a Swiss nurse Elise Duvilliard (1795) and the three children, left for the continent. "We are all very good and excellent mood. Travel always has this effect on the blood, even when the mind knows that there is every reason to feel sad, "writes Shelley to Leigh Hunt. They proceed from Calais to St Omer, in Lyon, then through the mountains of Savoy, which inspired the first act of Prometheus Unbound. During the trip reads Shelley The course of dramatic literature by August Schlegel. Reach Susa March 30, Turin, April 1, Milan four. Shelley will be amazed by the architecture of the cathedral where rifugerà read the Purgatorio of Dante. The Law and Aminta would design a tragedy on the life of Tasso. Together with Mary visiting some homes on Lake Como. He would like to rent Villa Plinian for the summer but will not be possible. The party gets back on the road, stopping briefly to Parma, Modena, Bologna and Pisa, first to May 7. In Livorno, where they remain nearly a month, they know the couple John and Mary Gisborne and the son of the woman's first marriage, Henry Reveley. During this time Shelley law Euripides and Sophocles, Ariosto, and recopy the story of Mary Beatrice Cenci from a manuscript of John Gisborne. The June 11 move to Bagni di Lucca, Casa Bertini, where Shelley reads Herodotus, Aristophanes, Barthélemy, Hume, Theocritus; complete Rosalind and Helen, and wrote two essays: On love and the Discourse on the Manner of the ancient Greeks. On June 14, while Mary writes to the writer Walter Scott (Ivanhoe, Rob Roy), who has reviewed favorably Frankenstein on Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, but claiming that the work was written by Shelley. On August 17, Percy and Claire set off for Venice to visit Allegra, which was adopted by British Ambassador Richard Belgrave Höppner (1786-1872) and his wife Isabelle. It also provides an opportunity to meet with Byron, to avoid leaving Claire to review the two young his villa at Este "I Cappuccini". It is here that they will reach Mary and two children, but the trip will be fatal to small Clara (Sept. 24). Shelley and Julian starts Maddalo Lines and written Euganean Among the Hills and writes the first act of Prometheus Unbound. Malthus law, and some dramas of Sophocles Shahespeare. Percy and Mary spent half of October in Venice looking for distraction in the social life while still at Claire Este with Allegra, who will return home on October 29 Höppner. Two days after the party, to which is added to the servant Paul Fogg, he left for Rome, via Rimini, Fano, Foligno, Ferrara (where Shelley examine manuscripts of Ariosto and Tasso), Bologna (where we visit the galleries' art) Fossombrone, Spoleto and Terni, where he remained enthusiastic about the Marmore waterfalls. On November 20 I'm finally at Rome, where he visited St. Peter's, the Colosseum, the Forum, the Capitol, fountains and squares. On November 27, Shelley starts only to Naples, sleeping in Riviera di Chiaia 250, probably taken after the death of Maria Adelaide Clara. The others will reach 1 December and together explore the surrounding areas, Herculaneum, Bay of Baia, Campi Flegrei, the cave of the Sibyl, the crater of Vesuvius and Pompeii. In this period between the readings of Shelley Winckelmann's art history.
But in Naples something is upsetting the party. It 's something about the small Elena Adelaide Shelley (born 27/12/18, 27/02/19 baptism, death 9/06/20, as reported in the State Archives of Naples). Were made on four assumptions: the idea of \u200b\u200bMary was sad to leave the small one to Naples, where they would come back once a year, Helen was born from the relationship between Percy and Claire, was the daughter of Shelley and a mysterious admirer English or daughter of Percy and the housekeeper Elise, who in December was going to marry Paul Fogg. Probably, if we consider that the child was entrusted to a family of Vico Channel February 28, it is easy to see that Mary did not want to grow another child, while Shelley was in Naples alone Claire and Elise were together the rest of the party. The child thus born of a fleeting relationship with Shelley, who tried to repair as a first step to take with him, but after the reaction of resentment, justified and Mary, I entrust it to a Neapolitan family. Left Naples on February 28, pass through and reach Gaeta Rome on March 5, where they lodge in Verospi Palace in Via del Corso. During your stay, Percy and Mary attend the living of the elderly Maria Candida Dionysius (1756-1826). Shelley prefers archaeological parks: the Baths of Caracalla write the II and III act of Prometheus Unbound. On April 24, meet the artist Amelia Curran (1775-1847), the daughter of an Irish lawyer who had attended the Godwin circle. Amalia paint the two most famous portraits and those of Percy and Claire, now lost, of William and Mary. On 7 May, the group moved to Via Sistina 65, the last house on the Trinita dei Monti. Inspired by a famous portrait of Beatrice Cenci, Percy began writing the eponymous tragedy. But on June 7, the small William, stricken with malaria, he died. Will be buried in the Protestant Cemetery in Rome. On June 10 the group left the city for Livro, and after spending a week at the hotel, settle in Villa Valsovano. Mary, who lost two sons in less than a year, is in a state of depression and seeks comfort in Mrs. Gisborne, who will teach English to Shelley, who meanwhile is reading Calderon de la Barca and participating in the project of Henry Reveley to build a steamboat. The Cenci ends August 8 and would like to represent him in London, where he instructs Peacock to make contact with the theaters of Covent Garden. Shelley is increasingly exasperated by demands for money to Godwin, who has some difficulty in seeing implemented his theories in the life of the daughter of Shelley and continues to claim the money as if it had to redeem himself from having courted Mary. "It's not a man is a solemn lie," writes Shelley to Leigh Hunt, and Mary hesitate in showing the threatening letters of the parent to keep it from being further hurt. On September 5, receives the news of the massacre of Machester, where a drunken militia fired, killing on a demonstration for parliamentary reform. Cast writes The mask of anarchy. Joins the group for a period (September 4 to November 10) Charles Clairmont, Claire's brother, returning from Spain and heading for Vienna. Meanwhile, Mary began to write Matilda, who will send his father in 1821. On October 2 the boys moved to Florence, Palazzo Marini, where Shelley attended the ballet and opera and spent hours at the Uffizi Gallery. In Florence he wrote Ode to the West Wind and the satirical poem Peter Bell III. Clarendon Law, Plato, and Madame de Stael. Florence was born on November 12, Percy and Mary seems to find some 'serenity.
Shelley began the year reading the Bible, the Gospels and starts to translate Sophocles and Bento de Spinoza's Tractatus with Mary. On January 29, moved to Pisa and attend the circle of Lady Margaret Mount Cashell (1775-1835), a countess, a young Irishman who had had a governess, the mother of Mary. The woman lives with the agronomist George Tighe. Between March and May, Shelley, who suffers from acute rheumatism, is visited by the famous Dr. Vacca. The sensitive plant and writes A vision of the sea. Among the reading Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire. Mary made the plays instead mythological Proserpine and Midas, and the novel begins Valperga. While they are about to leave for Lucca Shelley receives threats of extortion by Paul Fogg two days after the death of Adelaide. Notice to the blackmailer will think the lawyer Del Rosso Livorno, where the party moved on June 15 in the house that Gisborne had just left. Meanwhile, Percy is an agreement with the publisher Ollier for the edition of Prometheus Unbound. But the relationship between Mary and Claire are becoming increasingly strained. They talk almost every day. Eventually Shelley decides to find a self-employed in Pisa. Percy learns of the plight of John Keats (July 27) and invites him to join them in Italy. Move to Bagni di San Giuliano. Here Aug. 2, after the news of the uprisings in Naples, he wrote Ode to Naples. The Unbound Prometheus is published in mid-August and after a trip to Monte Pellegrino (11-13 August) writes in just three days The witch of Atlas. On August 31, Claire finds accommodations in Livorno. In early October the Gisborne return from England, bringing with him a box of books, including the poems of Keats. Shelley left for Florence in an attempt to settle with the family of Dr. Claire Bojti met in Pisa and his cousin Thomas Medwin, returning from India, and invited him to San Giuliano. The October 31 move to Pisa, Palazzo Galletti. Shelley is afflicted with nephritis and regretted the absence of Claire, who returns to Pisa on November 21, staying at the home of Mason). Among the frequenters of Palazzo Galletti Professor Francesco Pacchiani, the Irish writer John Taaffe, Prince Alexander greek Mavrocordato greek lessons that will give to Mary. Shelley knows Teresa Emilia Viviani, the nineteen year old daughter of the governor of Pisa, relegated to a convent in waiting for marriage. The first visit will be at Claire, then Percy and Mary. On December 23, Claire leaves for Florence.
Shelley reads the life of Dante and inspired by a platonic love for Viviani writes Epipsychidion, completed in February and published in May. While new in response to the essay by Peacock The four ages of poetry he wrote in defense of poetry. On 27 February, before leaving Pisa, his cousin introduced him to Edward Williams (1793-1822) a naval officer known in India, now traveling in Europe with its woman, Jane (1798-1884). The pair immediately became the friend of Shelley. But the April 11 came the news of the death of Keats, in Rome on 23 February. The boys move to Bagni di San Giuliano in early May, where Adonais Shelley composed in memory of the deceased. While he spent whole days on a boat with Williams learns that London has been an issue of illegal Queen Mab that is causing a stir. On August 3 at the invitation of Byron in Ravenna part to achieve it. The next day I spend with Claire in Livorno. On August 6, arrive at your destination. That same evening, George Byron shows him a letter of Höppner, who give credit to Elise Fogg, who believed that Shelley had Adelaide by Claire and they have abandoned the child in poverty; touch the same to write a letter to Mrs. Mary Höppner to exonerate her husband. Shelley and Byron convinces his new woman, the Countess Teresa G., sister of the patriot Pietro Gamba, to move to Pisa. During the trip to visit the last time Allen, a guest in the monastery of Bagnocavallo (August 14). Shelley is also waiting in Italy Leigh Hunt, with whom he wants to open a new newspaper, "The Liberal." In Pisa, in the meantime he moved the whole family Gamba, a system that Parra House, not far from the Palazzo Lanfranchi, rented from Byron. The September 8, the beautiful wife Teresa Viviani some Luigi Biondi. In October, Shelley composed the 'Hellas, mostly Mavrocordato the prince, who in May returned to his homeland to fight for Greek independence. On September 25, Mary and Percy return to Pisa, where the top floor of three buildings on the Church, on the river bank, mind, Byron and his followers settled in the Palazzo Lanfranchi. The days of riding, shooting competitions, pool games, discussions of general culture. Shelley discovers Byron habits typically male and begins to show some 'intolerant, mind the girls, not necessarily to play by men, end up creating a circle to itself. The failure of the ideal environment affects mood of Shelley, who at this time is unable to settle.
In January, Edward Trelawny arrives in Pisa (1792-1881), attracted by the presence of Byron and eager to be known. And it means that Shelley and Trelawny Williams commissioned the boat captain Daniel Roberts's "Don Juan". Percy worked illegally at this time of tragedy Charles the First, but unable to settle between January and June, a poetic cycle is completely dedicated to Jane Williams. Meanwhile, England will know that because of the weather Leigh Hunt can not reach it immediately, and Byron, the main financier of the "Liberal" begins to lose interest in the project. On March 24 the men of the English party in a fist fight with the armed guard of Pisa. Banished from the city are forced to move to Livorno. On April 20, Allegra Byron dies of typhus and Claire, who wanted to get back the girl, finds out May 1. The Shelley and Williams moved to San Terenzo in the Gulf of Lerici, living at Casa Magni, close to the sea: "We feel like we were on board a ship, and the roar of the sea, this idea leads us right into the bed" (from the diary of Edward Williams). On May 12, Shelley and Williams received the commissioned vessel, boat trips when Percy made up largely of the fragment The triumph of life. Mary June 16 risk of dying from a difficult abortion, Percy stops bleeding by soaking in ice water. The last part of July 1 to Leghorn to meet with Byron and Leigh Hunt, who arrived in Italy, to plan the implementation of the "Liberal". The July 8, during the return journey, the "Don Juan" is caught in a storm and wrecked ten miles from Viareggio. The bodies of Percy Shelley, John Williams and Charles Vivian hub found ten days later. Shelley is temporarily buried in the sand, but on August 15 the body is exhumed and cremated in the presence of Lord Byron and Leigh Hunt. His ashes will be scattered 21 January 1823 in the upper part of the Protestant Cemetery in Rome, in front of the Pyramid. On the plaque to accompany the final journey of Shelley are the verses of the song of Ariel, the spirit of the protagonist of Shakespeare's The Tempest: "Nothing of HIM That doth fade, But doth Suffer a Sea Change, Into Something Rich and Strange. "(Nothing but he undergoes a metamorphosis of marine dissolved into something rich and strange)
In September 1822 Claire and Jane Williams will leave for Vienna for London , where in 1827 Hogg married. Mary returned to England starting July 25, 1823 from Genoa and the next day Byron and Trelawny will leave for Greece with a mission to help the Greeks against Turkish aggression. During the mission Byron is seized with fever very strong and will die in Missolonghi April 19, 1824. Charles Bysshe Shelley was born the eldest son of the union with Harriet, died Sept. 14, 1827. Percy Florence, the only surviving son, becomes the legitimate heir of the title of baronet, but to inherit the property, will have to await the death of the grandfather (April 24, 1844). Mary in 1824 began to compose The Last Man, his second major work, which will be published Jan. 23, 1826 by the publisher Colburn. In June 1840, Percy and Florence in June 1843, along with his friends and his mother Mary will leave for Europe ', visiting on the first trip to Germany and Switzerland, Cadenabbia and Milan, while during the second visit experience Kissingen, Berlin, Dresden , Venice, Florence, Rome and Paris. On December 26, 1849 Frankenstein or the model man, directed by William and Robert Brough, is the Adelphi Theatre in London for 26 times. On 1 February 1851, at the age of 53 years, Mary WGShelley died in Chester Square, London. Jane Shelley, Percy Florence's young wife, whom he married June 22, 1848, organizes the transfer of the remains of William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft in the churchyard of St.Peters in Bournemouth, in Dorset County, on the sea , where Mary is buried next to his parents. Claire, the inseparable companion of the first adventures, will remain as an English teacher or chaperone, living in Vienna, Carlsbad, London, Moscow and Dresden. He dies in Florence in 1879.
Sources: "Artworks - Chronology of the Life of Shelley", by Francesco Rognoni - Einaudi Gallimard - 1995
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