14/05/2010 - Polis Aperta The Open Polis association
(gay and lesbian members of the Police, the Armed Forces and sympathizers) has created a handbook to provide instructions on how to behave when subjected to both physical aggression, verbal, because of

The current Italian legislation does not provide more specific measures against the so-called hate crimes. In fact, recently the Italian Parliament, unlike other members of the Council of Europe, felt no need for the opportunity of a specific law against omotransfobici crimes, not taking into account the reports and recommendations of the organs of European Community.
The denial of the phenomenon, primarily by the institutions, creates a climate of mistrust of the same, so many acts of violence are not reported either on the basis of specific articles of the Penal Code, thus remaining submerged and unpunished.
The aim of the Handbook is therefore to encourage victims of abuse and assault omotransfobiche to lodge a complaint in the belief that increased emergence of the phenomenon can lead to the adoption, in our country, the appropriate action to punish the crimes generated by 'hatred and ignorance.
Read HOMOPHOBIA REPORT ITALY 2010 of Arcigay with homo-transphobic violence cases that occurred in recent months
The Handbook, as well as being distributed to organizations, clubs and cultural clubs, can be downloaded below.
Download: Vademecum_Polis_Aperta.pdf
Download: Vademecum_Polis_Aperta.pdf
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