Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Egg Substitute Patties

: Examination bitter. The VA's high school Chiavenna humiliated and mocked by votes farce. Facebook.


                                          Commissioner exam ready the young man's student


teacher for 27 years and I have attended many state exams. A lot of commissions. Also this year are committed to the De Simoni of Sondrio, bookkeeping and class in the morning and evening classes with Moldovan, Russian, Peruvian, Italian and foreign workers. Growth experience for me important. Including the exchange with colleagues. It seems, by the votes posted today that a class known to me as a brilliant, independent reviews in, even with the reputation of independence and a strong bond between them has been "massacred" in test scores because of mild defense by some internal members (Prof. Mira Rossi?) that were not to allow foreign teachers to ridicule the work of teachers in service at the institution (do not know anything Philosophy and Italian! and languages!), including two professors external phenomena (every two years appear to "mangle" the scenes High School): Professor. Macarone chiavennasca a school that has traded in a soil for scalps and the even more famous and phenomenal terror annually commissions Professor Lamberto Bianchini. What makes known to their studendesse the sinks for the bathroom spit you out of fear of the questions. Bianchini remember the teaching of attention to my eldest when he was studying in Morbegno enough to have to move to Lecco. He will seem a godsend to have something to do with my second child.

I write this article and say immediately that this outstanding team of youth that I knew the course and how to cinema instrumental support students and exam papers , did not deserve such a humiliation, and that some of the members interiors have abdicated their role as defense and love of students who followed three or five years. (Advocates we have made of the low grades on admission examination since their professors outside of wonder: getting from real fools to lower ratings for the bonus and then suffer further cuts in the final evaluation by the external commissioners. Congratulations!). Of action from this and how to defend high-school students dell'ITCG Chiavenna TASK I will - I'll be here until this school, according to pension calculations further ten years at least - has committed itself to a mocked the youth, his independence, his kindness does not happen more! By prof. outside who think they only exist when they go to another school to do the werewolves! And I say to students, from here, I read, not to suffer for what happened, the low marks by certain commissions by certain professors , is an honor! Me too! Put low marks for the name they bear, for my story, and my independence. I knew, and re-transmit, as now, that the youth is invincible . Enjoy the future is yours, the summer, your smiles and loving exchanges! The shapes of these problems are void in humanity and thought that the Italian school called "professors" and that live their invalidity putting in awe of nineteen! humbly with their alleged knowledge learned from the province of pompous and empty. Ignorant, that I know a little bit more of them, and I write better than them!, Today I put the minimum grade, the one with which the ball: 59! Prof. Macaroni and the phenomenal depth. Lamberto Bianchi, said Socratino. If we want to discuss with me, online, in newspapers, conferences, chairman of the Commission (sic) included!, I am here, and here I sign. But I warn you! will not be as intimidated in front of youth! Colleagues in the school, the headmaster, I say no wonder epoi s High School has no subscribers and closes: harassed in 5 years, harassed exams: I know families and students who enroll elsewhere!

Claudio Di Scalzo

(The blog is available to accommodate operations even with a pseudonym, it is time for students and parents to organize themselves against punitive handled these tests. At the moment I do not know the votes of course B. I do not have precise information. If they had taken place the same input also gave hospitality mutilation of the votes for this situation, as well as Accounting and Surveyor - CDS)


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