Verona -14 July 1995 - July 14, 2010 - 15 years after the approval of the motions
damaging to the dignity and freedom of gay, lesbian and transgender people.
Organised by the Club Committee and the Pink lift our head
Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 19:00 you are invited sadly s / * the "Funeral Rights"
Via Degli Alpini (behind the Town Hall of Verona - kiosk) where it will be placed a wreath to commemorate the vote that brought out the Verona City Council of Europe 's approval of the motions of the racist 1995.
It took fifteen years to realize that Democracy is dead, and our will to fight, to change, to stay in the square, all the way to live free and free, without masks, in testaalta, gave away in recent years, the smell of stale, of putrid cadaver .
We stopped for a moment, time to catch your breath, count and the smell has taken over. After fifteen years we have realized that I had watched a dead: Democracy.
What happened in Verona July 14, 1995 was not only the approval by of the Verona City Council, three motions against the rights of gays, lesbians and transsexuals, inEuropa single episode, but marked the legitimation of a shameful tones heavy debate, which more than a year occupied the local and national media, which became the substrate of the new political culture rampant and the end of every positive action that would go in the direction of recognizing the rights of citizenship. It was the official return of racist and fascist culture in the city government and then the country.
the benches of the then City Council claims that arose seemed too exaggerated to be true, too heavy to be considered
series .... but those phrases in their apparent exaggeration permanently changed the political balance of this city and our
freedom of movement. If the left, with very few exceptions, had made the wall now, compared to those sentences
underlying a detailed proposal, avoiding 'label them as mere expressions bar' though given in a council;
if the left and then the various forces of 'democracy' had not chosen the line of the sneer, the trivialization of what is going
shape, or even, in some cases, opting for the alliance 'heterosexual' and the conspiratorial agreement among males, today Verona
is certainly a city open, more free. more crossed by many different realities, without the risk of being discriminated against, chase, pursue,
murdered in the name of a racist culture.
Yet those phrases after fifteen years have been included in the key stage, from that street theater that becomes a straight punch to the stomach
of power and thinking well, returning the most vivid and true, the strongest and most disturbing, in their full significance to youth and young
by Elena Vanni and Elio Germano in a that show is touring Italy.
A tribute to the truth, a complaint states, but also a return to and an important recognition of our struggles for fifteen years
have mobilized thousands of people in Italy, with important events and mapped out a path to citizenship, sull'antifascismo,
sull'antirazzimo, sull'anticlericalismo crossing and contamination of different instances, a practice new to the GLBT movement.
Today, from 'tiny minority' as he told us the vote of those motions unworthy an adviser to the left and
aware that 'our rights are not entitled to citizenship in a civil society' as a counselor said right, we set aside our flowers to the deceased
institutional democracy and free and liberated people from what we are, back to life, the cry of 'Froch always, fascist and Lega ever!'
PinkVerona Club / Committee lift our heads
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