E 'success last night, Friday July 16, 2010, in one of the gay meeting places in Verona, a quiet night like so many others until the stain with a 4 / 5 boys occurred and began to intimidate the people present . One of the guys got out with a belt and enjoined those present to leave, claiming that the place was private property, which is not true. The thing went on for half an hour, until a man from this pink and also verbally assaulted and threatened the police called that shortly after they arrived, stopped the attackers.
pathetically one with the belt, the most defiant of the group, wanted to ask then sorry, apologies sent back to the sender of course.
it all worked out then "good", a great fright, but he could end up worse, or perhaps it will happen, as often these flocks were moving so smoothly undisturbed in the face to be seen or show the license plates, which course was taken.
The boy was threatened with the pink and ordered to leave on pain of "destruction" of the car. An act very intimidating.
is not the first time, not the last, succeeding such facts, there are successes more severe, until there will be people who feel the right to use violence against gay people, just because they are different or are in their neighborhood. Who goes to these places to attack physically intimidated, or worse, knows that these things often are not reported, remain in silence for that roam free and at a certain hour of the night to go "have fun" by gays.
remember that everything happens also because the historic meeting place in Lower aquarium was closed by order of Falvio Tosi, now the meeting place, much more on the outskirts of the old, is attacked because the more isolated and Low Acquar was more in the center well-lit, but obviously in the logic of the policy of xenophobic Tosi, gay people should be removed from there.
We can only hope that such facts can not always happen, that gay people react, and not let themselves be intimidated by violent acts and intimidation, to get used to report what happens, who are not afraid to do so because it will remain until all silence these people will feel the right to use violence against us.
There are phone numbers where pink may indicate these facts 045 8012845 - 346 6902144, use them. The pink circle
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