The birth of Romanticism in Italy has been delayed a few years behind that of German romanticism but romantic town in turmoil as a poet Foscolo, neoclassical structure, similar as it had been in Germany for the neoclassical from various sources.
The controversy erupted in Italy in 1816 when the French writer Madame de Stael, an active propagandist of the ideas published on the romantic Italian Library of Milan article: "On the usefulness of the translations." The text was an attack against a background literature Italian side, which is considered academic, sterile, pedantic, archaeological, lagging behind the general movement of ideas and taste, and Italians turned the invitation to translate and study the great poets of modern European literature. The position of Staƫl caused the reaction of all of Italy traditionalist, academic and classical and caught the consensus of many writers of the new generation. The conservative reaction is tightened around the Jordan and the mountains and had its official organ of the Italian Library, while the young romantics began a biweekly magazine, The Mediator, directed by Silvio Pellico and prepared by the Bremen, the Borsieri the Berchet , II Visconti, Maroncelli, the Standard-bearer, with the indirect support of Manzoni.
The Italian Library was protected by the Austrian government which looked with sympathy as the one that the current classicist, concerned mainly with the form does not commit the artist did not teach the knowledge of the national reality and the search for new content, the "Council "but it lasted little more than a year, from September 1818 to October 1819, constantly dogged by criticism and eventually phased out for his liberal tendencies and anti-Austrian. Moreover, as is known, in 1821 the group of the Conciliator will populate with some of his best men to prison in Austria.
in reconciling the relationship between Romanticism (in its most positive) and the Enlightenment is particularly evident and deel rest of this bond can be considered the distinguishing feature of Italian romanticism. The writers of the Conciliator often refer to the experience of "coffee" is just the Illuminati and the need to resume Parini useful art, nourished by civil and moral reasons, an instrument of progress and national redemption, able to be understood Dalelio broad masses of the middle classes.
The controversy then, so does not touch the classics, that you do not fail to recognize the value, but is directed against academicism that undermines the whole modern classical poetry. Similar ideas in his letter claimed the Berchet semiseria of Chrysostom, lucky manifesto of romantic poetry in Italy.
The Berchet also identifies the new audience that poetry should pay, not the illiterate populace (the "Hottentots") almost completely incapable of understanding the beauty, not the circle of writers (the "Parisians" ), refined and too tainted by a formalistic style, but the vast middle layer that can be detected in the small and middle-class and that the Berchet called "People", it concerned "the living things that surround us throughout our day" and not by rules, myths, or other things that are only found in books. More popular
- Tellusfoglio-School
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