Press Print - ArciLesbica - March 11, 2010
The club AL Zami of Milan, has launched a competition to award a spot against lesbofobia, which started a few days. The contest is called
60 SECONDS AGAINST LESBOFOBIA, the deadline by which it will be sent to the spot (poured on cd / dvd) is May 20, 2010.
The first prize will be a cash prize of € 500, the second and the third involving a special mention and a plaque. All three / the winner / winners will see their work rewarded with a further projection to the public MILANO MIX FESTIVAL, 2010 edition, June 23 to 30 in the city.
The assessment will be 'jointly expressed by a jury, chaired by the national president of ArciLesbica, and a jury.
The material is to join the Milanese club's website ( http://www.arcilesbicazami-milano.it ): announcement and details to be filled with data from the author / author or contact person.
The competition is also open to secondary schools, first and second grade.
We designed this competition and we wanted from the beginning that had national scope, because we believe that when it comes to homophobia in our country but also in the whole, very rarely the focus on discrimination against lesbians in for a media campaign throughout declined in the masculine. Although gay and friends as we go forward in the fight against discrimination, crediam

The television culture which we are accustomed, by fifteen or so, out to us and not hurt.
The ferocity with which we are attacked, much lesbofobica in Italy, is stormed by the TV culture, which now obscure, now makes us the best dish of doing good that puts us at the table, but not in the scene. Instead, we want the creative energy in this country have a chance, and that the proposal comes from within, not from outside. Who better than ourselves can give voice to our voice?
We do not care if 90enni or 15 year olds will participate in, even we are interested in their sexual orientation. We are interested that someone should be drawn up within 60 seconds, with two money but a lot of ideas, discrimination against lesbians.
Hoping to be inundated with DVD, we invite anyone to participate.
ArciLesbica Zami
Stefania Milan Cista
e-mail: ufficiostampa@arcilesbica.it
Mobile: 327.324.31.01 www.arcilesbica.it
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