Friday, March 26, 2010

Modern Shaped Couches

CRAIPI 24/03/10 - Meeting with the Board

CRAIPI With the first ordinary meeting of the year was the presentation of the new Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.
The following delegates to represent members of the Fund were able to raise some questions whose answers can be summarized as follows.

President Franco Raymond Boccia, in agreement with the rest of the Board, is considering a plan consists of three analytical and operational profiles:
- INVESTMENTS - With reference to the Asset Management Company (SGR) is underway to being finalized after carrying out an initial screening. He wants to change the investment policy: rationalize the distribution of portfolio investments using an index that assesses the risk (VaR = Value at Risk). This index is widely used in investment processes and ensures the bottom line. In fact, the VaR exceeds the formula of the "asset class" and is aligned at the COVIP (Supervisory Commission on Pension Funds). Please note that the CRAIPI is located in the line of balanced funds;
- RELATIONSHIP WITH MEMBERS - The goal is to provide more information to members from both qualitatively and quantitatively. We are identifying the most advanced tools to allow a more precise and constant monitoring of developments in the fund. A further element of transparency will be the new internet web site (no more intranet) for which the company was asked a feasibility study soon.
- STATEMENT OF INCOME - You must give full effect to the weather typical of the fund, namely the provision of annuities (annuities). This is to give effect to the statutory provisions. At the moment we can not yet do: you must enter into a contract with insurance companies that are to be paid the "premium" accrued by the member (assuming likely to cost just for the payment in installment of the award). The general conclusion of the contract is not immediate. You must collect a set of data that determine the sustainability of the same: for example the number of subscribers and the average age of the same. After that calculates the "statement of limited income." For this he was required to Previnet (the company that collects all the financial information) to draw up a "technical budget" to 31/12/09. Once acquired we will proceed with the actuary.

In addition to questions from other, more specific, we have the following responses:
- Insurance policies in the portfolio CRAIPI - Everyone knows what the proportion of insurance policies within the fund. The Board has analyzed the situation and, in short, will start in-depth analysis with the intention of finding new solutions and approaches to investing. Of course you have to consider the contracts and their deadlines. By April we will have the information needed to start making initial assessments.
- Towards the umbrella fund - Although the crisis of the past two years, particularly in the financial market has brought a lot of uncertainty, the demand to pay their shares in sectors more secure than the current one is not possible. In order to align with other funds, that provide the possibility to opt for more sectors, to amend the statute. The Board considers the need for an adequate time for changes and, anyway, to avoid hasty steps that could cause more harm than good.
- Payment of severance pay RAI - The Board urged the RAI, to operate in a timely manner, payment of severance pay (2009) of silent and non-members in the fund.
- Presentation of Financial Statements - The Board shall inform the delegates that will be submitted by April the balance sheet and statement of 2009, as required by statute. In this way the Assembly will have a sufficient period of time for later analysis. It is understood that the vote on the budget must be completed by June 30.
- risk / return profile - will be assessed according to general expectations, including the costs (financial management, spreads, contracts ...) that will be definitely lower than if they occur in the management of indirect to direct.

The Assembly concluded with repeated call for the presentation of the budget no later than next month.

Report by the delegates of Milan CRAIPI
Mauro Giorgio Zorzan

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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may be offended write to someone you're gay

The Supreme Court upheld the fine of 400 € against a man of Ancona
(photo: The Palace of Justice in Rome, the seat of the Supreme Court)
ROME - It may be insulting to someone writing a letter in which he refers to his being gay, together with other circumstances as the habit of letters addressed to make holidays with same-sex and all ' being removed from a center of summer holidays for kids. For this reason, the Supreme Court upheld the fine of € 400 against S. Dante, a man of Ancona, who had written this type of letter to T. Luciano, an acquaintance with whom he had quarreled.

In particular, the Supreme Court - with the 1939 ruling - declared inadmissible the appeal of Dante S. against the sentence imposed by the Court of Ancona. Previously, the same Supreme Court annulled the acquittal of the accused. In a letter written

Luciano T. Dante had made reference to his being gay "also talking about a holiday in the mountains, Luciano, along with a sailor and the episode in which the recipient of the letter was removed from a sports club frequented by children.

The letter also alluded also to the alleged disappearance of documents on violations of the City Ancona that Luciano would have taken and assistance provided to a nephew to overcome a competition. According to the supreme court, "the court of Ancona in the proceedings, carried out its function properly framing the one hand the term 'gay' used in the letter to the episodes mentioned (vacation with ratings and expulsion from the club), and evaluating more allegations in the letter deemed offensive, such as disparaging with logically reasoned opinion on the merits. " The court case stems from the juxtaposition of two leaders of the municipal police in Ancona who aspired both to his appointment as commander.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

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Street at the" 60 seconds against lesbofobia "Ratzinger

Press Print - ArciLesbica - March 11, 2010

The club AL Zami of Milan, has launched a competition to award a spot against lesbofobia, which started a few days. The contest is called
60 SECONDS AGAINST LESBOFOBIA, the deadline by which it will be sent to the spot (poured on cd / dvd) is May 20, 2010.

The first prize will be a cash prize of € 500, the second and the third involving a special mention and a plaque. All three / the winner / winners will see their work rewarded with a further projection to the public MILANO MIX FESTIVAL, 2010 edition, June 23 to 30 in the city.
The assessment will be 'jointly expressed by a jury, chaired by the national president of ArciLesbica, and a jury.

The material is to join the Milanese club's website ( ): announcement and details to be filled with data from the author / author or contact person.

The competition is also open to secondary schools, first and second grade.

We designed this competition and we wanted from the beginning that had national scope, because we believe that when it comes to homophobia in our country but also in the whole, very rarely the focus on discrimination against lesbians in for a media campaign throughout declined in the masculine. Although gay and friends as we go forward in the fight against discrimination, crediam or it is time to bring progress to the PSA, an Italy showing the same but different.

The television culture which we are accustomed, by fifteen or so, out to us and not hurt.

The ferocity with which we are attacked, much lesbofobica in Italy, is stormed by the TV culture, which now obscure, now makes us the best dish of doing good that puts us at the table, but not in the scene. Instead, we want the creative energy in this country have a chance, and that the proposal comes from within, not from outside. Who better than ourselves can give voice to our voice?

We do not care if 90enni or 15 year olds will participate in, even we are interested in their sexual orientation. We are interested that someone should be drawn up within 60 seconds, with two money but a lot of ideas, discrimination against lesbians.

Hoping to be inundated with DVD, we invite anyone to participate.

ArciLesbica Zami
Stefania Milan Cista
Mobile: 327.324.31.01

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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Romanticism in Italian very short

The birth of Romanticism in Italy has been delayed a few years behind that of German romanticism but romantic town in turmoil as a poet Foscolo, neoclassical structure, similar as it had been in Germany for the neoclassical from various sources.

The controversy erupted in Italy in 1816 when the French writer Madame de Stael, an active propagandist of the ideas published on the romantic Italian Library of Milan article: "On the usefulness of the translations." The text was an attack against a background literature Italian side, which is considered academic, sterile, pedantic, archaeological, lagging behind the general movement of ideas and taste, and Italians turned the invitation to translate and study the great poets of modern European literature. The position of Staël caused the reaction of all of Italy traditionalist, academic and classical and caught the consensus of many writers of the new generation. The conservative reaction is tightened around the Jordan and the mountains and had its official organ of the Italian Library, while the young romantics began a biweekly magazine, The Mediator, directed by Silvio Pellico and prepared by the Bremen, the Borsieri the Berchet , II Visconti, Maroncelli, the Standard-bearer, with the indirect support of Manzoni.

The Italian Library was protected by the Austrian government which looked with sympathy as the one that the current classicist, concerned mainly with the form does not commit the artist did not teach the knowledge of the national reality and the search for new content, the "Council "but it lasted little more than a year, from September 1818 to October 1819, constantly dogged by criticism and eventually phased out for his liberal tendencies and anti-Austrian. Moreover, as is known, in 1821 the group of the Conciliator will populate with some of his best men to prison in Austria.

in reconciling the relationship between Romanticism (in its most positive) and the Enlightenment is particularly evident and deel rest of this bond can be considered the distinguishing feature of Italian romanticism. The writers of the Conciliator often refer to the experience of "coffee" is just the Illuminati and the need to resume Parini useful art, nourished by civil and moral reasons, an instrument of progress and national redemption, able to be understood Dalelio broad masses of the middle classes.

The controversy then, so does not touch the classics, that you do not fail to recognize the value, but is directed against academicism that undermines the whole modern classical poetry. Similar ideas in his letter claimed the Berchet semiseria of Chrysostom, lucky manifesto of romantic poetry in Italy.

The Berchet also identifies the new audience that poetry should pay, not the illiterate populace (the "Hottentots") almost completely incapable of understanding the beauty, not the circle of writers (the "Parisians" ), refined and too tainted by a formalistic style, but the vast middle layer that can be detected in the small and middle-class and that the Berchet called "People", it concerned "the living things that surround us throughout our day" and not by rules, myths, or other things that are only found in books. More popular
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The Romanticism. With little dictionary: Sublime, Streben, Sensucht, Genius, Infinite

Romanticism was officially born in 1798 in Berlin when the first issue of the journal Atheneum, which counts among its partners the brothers Schlegel, Novalis, Tiek, Goethe, Schiller. Of course, as was the case with any other movement of culture, including the Romantic not born from nothing, but had been prepared in Germany by the movement of Sturm und Drang, storm and assault, (1770-1775). The triumph of the school took place in 1774 with the publication of "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Goethe. In the Sturm und Drang that already there are unique aspects of Romanticism: the contempt for form and harmony of classical art, the need for immediate poetry, the glorification of genius, rebellious to every rule and every law, the 'admiration for the Middle Ages as the cradle of the national characteristics of the German people. It must be emphasized also that the English Romantic movement with Coleridge, Keats, Shelley and Byron and produced great works in posia in an innovative poetic prose. That is demonstrated minimal short verses printed on the examples below the German Novalis (From Hymns to the Night) and English Keats (from Sleep and Poetry).

Keeper of my faith / port of my courage day / night but oh the night / I am dying of love / in the fire inside of me /

When they feel, friend a moment / that you'll never see you again and again / I'll ever enjoy the love / no problems - then ... / On the beach in the world I'm alone and think Till love and fame lie in anything.

Romanticism has, as most evident, opposition to the civilization that had preceded it, the civilization of the Enlightenment, but if you look carefully, you will see that is the opposition of his son to the father of the child who feels different and feeds on new requirements and yet is tied - in its basic features - the paternal characteristics. In essence, the Enlightenment had been thrown into crisis by the French Revolution, who was out of the breast. For three reasons: because it had revealed the existence of an office next to the company and perhaps more passionate than that of Reason had fueled the revolutionary fervor, because he had revealed the appearance on the floor in terms of History of the masses are not yet enlightened, who had broken the limits of paternalism reformist, had refused to be mere object of reform and enlightenment had claimed the right to be protagonists: the subject, because he had made it clear that the ideas of the Enlightenment were abstract in their pure rationality and cosmopolitan in their hand and they had to check it, adapt them, make them concrete in comparison with the historical reality of individual nations.

The discovery of the value and size of a psychological feeling of the people on the sociological level, the nation's political, the philosophical history here is the element feature of the new sensibility, which means - more closely in the field of art and literature - the conception of art as an immediate expression of feeling and so the concrete individuality of the artist (the reason is common to all men, while the sentiment characterizes individuals), the ensuing battle against all rules, including the classical mythology that it is empty repetition of myths have arisen in a society totally different from the modern, it was also felt as a bundle of fixed and immutable rules, the claim of naive character, irrational, poetry, and then admiration for the primitive poetry, poetry and popular for the people pure poetry as a source of immediate and as guardian of the most profound of the nation. Hence the focus on the period when he broke the community created by the Roman Empire and began to define the various European nations, namely the focus on the Middle Ages instead of classical antiquity, hence also studies folklore and on folk poetry, especially here, the two aspects of romantic poetry, the irrationalism of the one part (and the lyricism individualistic) and openness to the reality of the other national (and therefore the historicist realism and patriotic). At the first appearance and then attaching those elements, including costume, that have traditionally been defined romantic: the representation of individual pain and cosmic, the outpouring of sentimental pessimism, the contrast between illusion and reality, a longing for things and people far away in time and space, and the exotic, the 'aesthetics and dreams, the love for the vague, indefinite, the indistinct.

the second aspect, the patriotic commitment, the exaltation of the people, the love of freedom, the taste of realistic reconstruction of the historical tradition, and especially the concept of the poem be understood not as an end in itself, but as an instrument to serve the great ideals of freedom, of independence, of national redemption.

In essence, the dialectical opposition of romanticism enlightenment can be summarized as follows: The cult of reason is opposed to the value of feeling, all'antistoricismo, historicism, deism to theism and a need to assume that religiosity sometimes also forms a conservative return to traditional religion and other times a drive towards new forms of religion, cosmopolitanism is opposite the sense of nationality.

As for the moral and literary Romanticism can be briefly summarized that, in its moral aspect of Romanticism indicates an of imbalance and dissatisfaction in an ongoing conflict between ideal and real. The ideal is seen as unattainable, we can sometimes say that only the self-denial. Life is experienced as a struggle and as a romantic drama and man, as has been said, is the man of two souls forever chained and perpetually at war with each other. In its literary aspect was the new conception of poetry as royalties freedom of imagination, freedom from all embarrassment and content set of rules (like those mythological), the popularity of art. After all this has been explained earlier, and should only be added that in many countries takes the romance aspects differ according to the historic environment and local traditions.


What sublime a concept that stands apart from the aesthetic concept of beauty. Drawn up for the first time in mid-eighteenth century by E. Burke (Research on the origin of the philosophical ideas of beauty and the sublime, 1756), gained importance especially in the discussion of Kant's Critique of Judgement, 1790.
While beauty is that which is harmonious. measured, composed "in a workmanlike manner," the sublime is excessive, the disordered, that is not a human but its excess, for example, the void, the abyss, the immense spaces, the silence, the darkness, the gigantic mountains ... beautiful, says Kant, the beds of a garden, sublime tall oaks, beautiful day, sublime night. According to Kant existing exists a mathematical sublime, which stems from the shock at the massively successful: the series of numbers without limit, the thought of eternity or infinity cosmic storm.
from contemplation of the power of the sublime dynamic nature came into being: the great natural phenomena (storms, earthquakes ...), castrofi caused by the forces unleashed that scare, but at the same time attract and fascinate. E 'attraction may find even what is bad, as long as is "terribly bad." The sublime arises therefore not covered by the quality of the object, but from the disposition of the subject. While the beauty develops a feeling of simple pleasure (satisfaction, fulfillment), the sublime provokes ambivalent emotion, a "delightful horror," a state of mind in which the pleasure is combined with fear.
The discussion of Kant went on highlighting the diverse origins of the sublime and the beautiful. The Judgement of beauty comes from an agreement between the sensitivity and reason, because the subject finds himself in what he covers the same criteria, the same measurements and proportions of regulating its activity mental. Conversely, the sublime sense of results from a conflict between feeling and reason. It makes us feel small and helpless compared to the immensity of nature to the power of its forces unleashed, but the sorrow of the imagination is accompanied by a pleasure of reason: the spectacle of the highest mountains and steepest cliffs awakens the feeling of ' infinity, leads to reflections on human nature and the world. Climbing, maybe only in the imagination, the highest peaks, the man becomes a philosopher, more aware that his dignity as a rational being free makes it even if weak, spiritually superior to any sensible reality. For ability to produce these effects, the sublime arises as a consequence the boundaries between ethics and aesthetics.
remains to add that after the death of Kant, and the emergence of the Romantic sensibility, the concept of the sublime art was extended also to the works of Greek and especially Roman, often just as enormous and gigantic of a natural setting. In this way the concept of the sublime came to mean to the romantic or pre-Romantic artists unattainable, perfect, and infinite. In this regard is the famous painting by JH Fuseli: The artist in despair at the magnitude of the ancient ruins of 1780.


The sensitivity of romantic German term is defined in Streben (in Italian "tension", but also yearning, longing, anxiety), which expresses a conception of life as a ceaseless effort, a continuous effort to overcome any obstacle both materially and spiritually. In Streben, anxiety or feeling of infinity, if there is an intolerance for any kind of constraint, together with the desire to transcend the everyday, typical of the literary and philosophical culture of the early nineteenth century. As the center of Kant's thinking was the concept of limits, Romanticism was proposed, so symmetrically opposite, exceeding all limits certain: the infinitive is never reached, but it is approachable in what tends to infinity, in its derivations can be the unlimited, the immense, the immeasurable, the 'endless, inexhaustible, the immeasurable, the endless, the innumerable, the eternal, the transcendent, the indefinite, the boundless.
It is for the philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte had theorized about the philosophical concept of Streben it to give it an organic ethical proposal. His whole discussion of the absolute, defined as infinite subjectivity, metaphysics is a necessary prerequisite to establish a solid foundation on the idea of \u200b\u200btotal human freedom (necessary starting point for any effort towards infinity). The ultimate meaning of the complex metaphysical reasoning of Fichte, conducted with a highly technical language ("I put the non-I") is that nature (the 'non-it' for the individual) does not contain any insurmountable objective condition . The material world can not be an obstacle to a human will (an 'I') really determined, for the simple reason that all reality is a product of a whole Enel of the subject itself (absolute subjectivity).
The proof of this principle is so far away from common sense in finding, empirically verifiable, that every kind of man you build an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in his own image: a corrupt tend to see every episode of ill repute in a confirmation of his thesis , discard as exceptions in cases of honesty and choose (unconsciously) all external stimuli to reiterate its view of life, ultimately the corrupt lives in a corrupt world, as well as the idealistic experiment in a reality dominated by the spirit, and the dogmatic allow themselves to be any apparent need.
supporting the superiority on the finiteness of the spiritual body, was the philosopher Ficthe infinity ego, the only principle and source of knowledge, spirit, boundless, creative capacity absolutely free. Of course, the search of the infinite is by definition doomed to remain forever dissatisfied, but what matters is not the achievement of any kind of result, always partial and overcome. The important thing, says Fichte, "is not to be free, but to become, be free."

Connected to Streben is Sensucht (literally "want their own desire"), the painful feeling that comes from the awareness dell'irraggiungibilità infinity. The Sensucht, nostalgia for what you never, aspiration for what is beyond, acute sense of lack (happiness, love) is clearly visible in the intense atmosphere of introspective (large dreamy eyes looking away, melancholy folds at the corners of mouth) of the romantic painters of portraits, confirming the role intellectual reached by new artists.


The concept of genius, after being prepared for the first time in the Romantic period, it became part of the modern language. It designates the condition of some men with a innate and exceptional creative talent, able to work beyond the common predictability, so that often exceed the understanding of contemporaries. Within the embodiment of Romantic genius was Michelangelo, whose critical fortunes grew in the early nineteenth century to the point that it requires a specific term: Michelangelo, to describe attempts to emulate the size, nature titanic, and superhuman power.

finite / infinite

anxiety connotes infinitoche Romanticism, along with the desire of the idealist philosophers of identifying an absolute principle, led to an original reflection on the links exist between the finite (which is concrete, individual) and the infinite. The German poet Novalis synthesized the new sensitivity in these lines (Henry Afterdingen, 1802): "The one in the whole and all in one / the image of God in the grass and the stones / the Spirit of God in men and animals / of this we have to penetrate. " Novalis what you mean is that a sensitive spirit can grasp the infinite in everything, every detail of the world, because the infinite is manifested in the forms of finitude. And the idea that the Romantic period to the end transposition, perceiving everywhere there is something more mysterious.
On the other hand, if every detail can be seen as a fragment of the universal, any event becomes an expression of a higher value. The whole culture of the early nineteenth century is dominated by this frame of mind: according to it, Schelling and Goethe formulated a philosophy of nature (Naturphilosophie) type vitalist and organic: the phenomena of life are not explicable by the laws of chemistry, because nature is all alive, even in its minimum share, in a simple blade of grass you can see the action of cosmic forces, through an internal polarity of forces (of contraction and expansion), produce the complexity of nature and its gradual evolution. Claiming to be 'pantheistic' as a scientist and 'political' as a poet, Goethe saw in nature a living force, dynamic, animated and designed, a body structured so that all (individuals, species) makes sense only as part of whole. He also saw that on this point, you could record a confluence of art and philosophy: in fact this as well as painting or music, or poetry. always tend to grasp the link between the finite to infinity. (CDS)

How Long Does Shiraz Last Unopened

Eugenio Montale, life as illustrated by the Diary of '71 and '72

ACCOUNTANT AND SINGER. Eugenio Montale was born in Genoa October 12, 1896 into a wealthy bourgeois family: his father's care chemicals. He graduated as an accountant with difficulty and without having any attitude, and studied singing. He was 21 in 1917, when he was enlisted: in Parma, in a course for officer cadets, he met the critic and poet Sergio Solmi; Vallarsa fought in Trentino. He had already written the early poems, and kept a diary (it was published in 1983: Journal of Genoa).

intellectuals of Genoa and Turin. At 24, when he was laid off, began to attend the writers who gathered at the Café Diana's Galleria Mazzini: Camillo Sbarbaro, Angelo Barile, Adriano Grande, Oscar Saccarotti. Solmi introduced him in the intellectual Turin.

TO 29 YEARS. In Turin Gobetti published the first collection of poems of Montale: Ossi di sepia. That same year, 1925, Montale published in the journal of The Gobetti Baretti the first in a series of essays: "Style and Tradition" and the journal The Review essay "Homage to Italo Svevo," with which finally ended - in Just three years after death - the complete silence of criticism over what was the only Italian writer with a European. In 1925 Montale also signed the anti-fascist demonstration of the Cross.

A Montale Svevo's novels had them read Bazlen Bobi (1900-1965), intellectual Trieste, who played an important role in the Italian culture and the early twentieth century through his personal contacts and its activities editorial consultant.

Letter to Bobi

dint of exclusions
t'era left so that you could
holding in your hands, and was one of those if
n'accorgeva. Did I follow
many times without your knowledge. I have traveled several times via
Cecilia de Rittmeyer
where I met your old mother,
found his terrific love visually.
Del father was the piegabaffi
and maybe a bible evangelical. I tasted
the galaxy of your friends,
object of your experiments more or less
failed to create or destroy marital happiness. They were the first
your friends, others followed
I've never known.
was shaped as a legend
your paper, unreliable. Now they say that you were a teacher
unheard, you
: you've had too many to
ears open and you do not have warned. Confessor
could not give anything to those who were not already on your way.
Your way you have won even if they have lost everything
listeners. With this letter you can read
than ever I say goodbye and not
and this in a language they did not love, it is of no
(from Diary of '71 and '72)

FIORENTINA intellectual life. In 1926 Montale met the American poet and critic Ezra Pound (1885-1972): the Anglo-Saxon literature was always for him an important point of reference. In 1927 he began working at the publishing Bernporad in Florence, where it remained for twenty years and in 1929 he was appointed director of scientific and literary Vieusseux Cabinet, a position he had to leave in 1938 because of the card free of the fascist party. In those years he participated actively in the intellectual life of Florence (met Vittorini, Gadda, Quasimodo, Luzi, Bo, Nello Rosselli and many others, worked in Solaria, in Literature and other journals, he worked as a translator.

inspirations Montale. In Florence he met in 1927 Drusilla Tanzi, who would later become his partner and wife (died 1963), and in 1933 Jrma Brandeis, American scholar of Dante (he was Jewish, and in 1938 was forced to because of the racial laws to return to America). Other women were important in his life and his poetry and between Anna degli Uberti known between 1920 and 1923 during summer holidays spent in Monterosso, Liguria, where his father had built a villa.

the second collection. In 1939 he published a volume of verse deals. In 1943 the critic Gianfranco Contini's had printed in Switzerland Finisterre, the first collection of poems The core of the storm and another (1956).

THE WAR AND THE POST-WAR. During the Nazi occupation Montale hosted at his home in Florence several friends forced underground, such as Carlo Levi, and Umberto Saba. After the liberation of the city in 1945, he joined the Action Party, which brought together those who are not recognized in the left Stalinist, but looked to a left-liberal with a European. It belonged to the Committee on Culture and art appointed by the National Committee of Liberation. After a serious illness of his wife began to paint.

as a journalist. In 1948 he was hired as a journalist from Corriere della Sera: shared a room with Indro Montanelli. Since 1955, he was also music critic of the Corriere d'information. His articles were collected music criticism in Prime alla Scala (1983); reportages he wrote as a correspondent in travel away from home (1969); articles of costume and other prose in DAFE Cars (1966) and in our time (1972), literary essays on poetry (1976), the translation of poetry (from Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Hopkins, Melville, Thomas Hardy, Maragall, Joyce, Milosz, Yeats, Djuna Barnes, Pound, Eliot, Guillén, Leonie Adams, Dylan Thomas, Cavafy) in notebook translations (1948).

other collections of verse. In 1956 he released his third collection of poems, War, and more. In 1958 he published a collection of short stories: Butterfly of Dinard. His wife died in 1963 dedicated Xenia, which formed the first part of the Vivid collection, published in 1971, when he was 75 years. Other collections of poems were later published in the Journal of '71 and '72 (1973), notebooks of four years (1977), Other verses (1980).

Life Senator and Nobel. In 1967 the president Giuseppe Saragat appointed him senator for life "for having honored the Nation in the literary and artistic." In 1975 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. He passed the old Milan, assisted by Gina Tiossi housekeeper, who was already with him in Florence. He died aged 85, September 12, 1981.


recommend to my descendants (if you will) in the literary
which is unlikely to make a nice bonfire
all my life, my facts, my nonfatti. I'm not a
Leopardi, leaving little firewood
and is already too live in percentage.
lived at five percent, do not increase the dose
. Too often, instead it rains in the wet
(from Diary of '71 and '72)