-Hello Andrea, how are you? Recently I read a bit 'of the archives of your blog and I think some things that I think I ... How is your "path"?
Hello-star, currently processes that do not know ... ups and downs. The only common denominator I have found is that my heart is turned to stone. I do not really want to know about investing ... too scarred by past experiences ... for now so I'm dedicating mainly to me.
Andre-See, I can understand. After seven years of marriage, bankruptcy, are now three years that I also try to get back on track. But I always feel a stone where your heart. And every time I find something beautiful, a little 'fear of suffering is still a bit' cold stone inside me, make me want to retrace my steps and writing him off. But then I tell myself that now are at stake, and that at this point I should let things go how they go, however, because life should be lived, you can not live only certainties. And this for me now is the third time that I get back in the game.
-Oh! Already the third? And how did you keep from going under? I honestly do not know how to react to yet another cold shower. Perhaps it is also why, despite many fine is finding situations, I do not feel more to invest. When I could possibly make the jump, I create posting ... I get stuck in something ... I do not know how to explain it. I slowly and tell myself that it's okay for now ... and I feel empty inside.
Dear Andrea, it is not easy, I know. There has been many before you. But the doors and obstacles that you face them you have to go, you can always work around them or to pretend that there are. April ste blessed doors ... what do you think should happen to miss the opportunity? If things go wrong, except for a bit ' of disappointment, as if nothing had happened ... but if you do happen to go well? The game sometimes worth it ... and live to regret not get you anywhere. And you, by doing so, all you do is fill you with regret.
What I realized is that now we are a bit 'of the Phoenicians, who always get up from the ashes ...
-Dear my friend, you have to say? I only know that now I feel so ... and I'm tired ... and I do not want to force ... give me time ... and while I enjoy what there is, the way he can live now. ^ __ ^
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