Friday, February 25, 2011
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Monday, February 21, 2011
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Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Libya, 6 million people within the framework of a hundred clans with different specificities: his guide, Muammar Gaddafi, was very able to maintain the delicate balance in 42 years in power. The dictator, always kept at bay with civil protest subsidized prices of raw materials for the "people" prebends and conspicuous for politicians thanks to the "oil revenue", must now prepare his succession. But a few weeks ago, on the Internet, 17 February was proclaimed the Day of wrath "by the opponents of the Libyans. According to al-Jazeera's concern aroused by the government in Tripoli by this news could even be fictitious, for the hypothesis that the same raissa would have been the inspiration to give all 'opposition to an outlet and abroad demonstrate that Libya leave home to dissent. 5 years ago In Cyrenaica, the region of Benghazi, long hostile to the regime, on the border with Egypt-east, there were violent riots against Gaddafi for his friendship with the Italian government whose minister Calderoli League had shown openly anti-Islamic: Cyrenaica in the highest unemployment rate coincides with that of religious fundamentalism. But the organization of the square proved efficient, and the police killed seven demonstrators. A couple of years later a son of Gaddafi treated successfully with the Libyan Islamic Front, which aligned itself with al-Qaeda, bringing one hand to the release of political prisoners, and other land as the abandonment of Libya 's activities of the fundamentalists. But now, a few days in the repression of Gaddafi has already done more than 100 victims between Benghazi and Beida Tripoli: here, as in China, obscured the Internet ..
Even in Kuwait protests, including 30 injured and 50 arrests were the Budget, but more critical is the situation in Bahrain, where the main Shiite opposition group was asked to open negotiations, the government's resignation, and dismissed dialogue with the Crown Prince, launched by King Hamad. On 19 February, the army fired on a crowd outside disperse and the police charged those who sought to return. The riots lasted for days and during the funeral of four victims of the square at least 50 were injured.
Algeria: After long-running dispute on information and social repression, with a creeping civil war on the basis of secular-religious February 20 in central Algiers 400 demonstrators in the streets despite the ban, have been charged by the police. "Change and Democracy" had promoted the march after the previous week, were arrested and charged following an initial demonstration of the opposition. Even in Yemen, the youth took to the streets, after further clashes, on 19 mornings, and a student died in riots at the University of Sanaa between opponents and supporters of the president.
In Morocco, after the presidents of protest in Tangier on 19 charges against unfair municipal services, organized by the "movement 20febbraio for Change" on a Facebook event to get Constitutional reforms just for today.
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But between yesterday and today in Iran, civil unrest, 6 hangings for drugs, the demand of the opposition leader Karroubi to be tried in public, the arrest of Rafsanjani's daughter: As if all this were not enough, 2 Iranian warships, authorized by Egypt, have passed the Straits of Suez, and was the immediate political reaction in Israel and felt provoked, already experiencing the new nightmare of a hostile Iran and "nuclear."
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Evidence: almost unbelievable arrogance and determination to brazen and blatant sex, delirium of omnipotence that in his case is no longer commonplace nor hyperbole, ridicule narcissism, the tendency to lie without shame, and the fact that his wife, who might as well be considered biased or partisan, has let slip referring to his self-centeredness or its sessuomania the phrase "is a sick man." On the basis of all define the subject matter in "disturbed" or, perhaps unwisely, "psychiatric" I do not think too much. If we add that showed widely not to waste nor tolerate criticism, responding with insults or heavy consistentissime overtures of "credits", it seems senseless to the public demand for a psychiatric evaluation for the syndrome manifested the man who governs this starship, but almost certainly will remain without response.