From Corriere del Veneto - August 28, 2010 - Riccardo Bastianello - Alberto Gottardo
The incident was reported by the owner of a downtown bar on the Facebook page councilor Zan (Arcigay Veneto). "Emergency homophobic "

PADOVA - "m ... fags." And then down barrel. Whether this was a new attack on homophobic or a possible attempted robbery are now investigating the police of Padua.
It is certain that the two boys, one of them, Enrico Bertelli, the proprietor of a popular bar in the center if they are having a bad couple of nights ago. The story, published the same page on Facebook Bertelli municipal councilor and secretary for the Environment Regional Arcigay Alessandro Zan, is clear: "1:30 am, ASSAULT IN THE AREA INCINERATOR. I and my friend Daniel calzavara attacked by three Neapolitan kicked and punched to the cry "fags shit."
At 112 I am policeman "But she makes us in the dark areas at this hour?". After half an hour of waiting we decided to go to Central. Fortunately we were able to escape. He prognosis of 10 days, 3 to me. "
Talk about a real "emergency homophobia" Councillor Zan, foster father of the population register for unmarried couples (gay and heterosexual). "We need to be approved as soon as the extension of the Mancino law - he said - through the introduction of specific hate crimes motivated by homophobia." "I'm close to the two boys, Daniel and Henry, I've already met - he concludes - I will support them in every way, because these experiences can score very negatively the lives of people. "
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