chased the man was hidden in a McDonald's but has been achieved, beaten and insulted He saved
able to take refuge in the manager's
Gay attacked by three youths at a fast food
the beating in front of several witnesses
E 'waiting for tomorrow to reopen the trial of Alessandro Sardelli, said Svastichella
Accused of assaulting a pair of gay guys, likely ten years in prison
LONDON - He had stopped his car in an area frequented by men dedicated to prostitution, and this was beaten by three guys, all Italians aged about 25, dressed in black, who followed him inside a Mac Donald's Rubicon Street, along the highway Milano-Meda. The homophobic attack occurred around 23 yesterday and the victim, an Italian 47 years, told police he had noticed, just as it had stopped the car park which is near the cemetery in the yard of Bruzzano, the three boys edge of a station-wagon.
The group certainly has to stop his car, turning on the headlights. Terrified, the man walked away quickly to find refuge in the Mac Donald's. Thinking that the presence of other people would be enough to ask them to stop, to stop following him. The intent of the three was clear and did not stop, however, have met and beaten, despite several witnesses. Threw him to the ground and kicked and punched in the face, shouting insults heavy homophobic. The man managed to escape only by entering the office of the director of fast food. The agents of the police are trying to determine the identity of the components of the 'punitive expedition' through the CCTV cameras in the room.
will leave tomorrow even the trial of Alessandro Sardelli, said Svastichella, the affected 40-year old accused of assaulting and seriously wounded a couple of gay guys on August 22 last year at the gay village of EUR, Rome. Last hearing on November 25 last year, the preliminary hearing judge Rosalba Liso had received the request for psychiatric examination made by the defense. Raymond Francis will be the psychiatrist to assess the capacity of consent of the accused and his danger to society. The proceeding was opened on 18 November with a request by the prosecutor Pietro Pollidori of ten years imprisonment for the crimes of attempted murder, severe injury and the port of weapon. Pilcher is in jail in Regina Coeli from 25th August.
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