Friday, December 11, 2009

A B B Y W I N T E R S . C O M

social prejudices and stereotypes have on such a force of penetration and conditioning not save even the same category to which
are addressed.
as proven homophobia and machismo, a significant presence, the latter, even in women themselves.
In an attempt to more fully understand - and therefore easier to deal with - these unconscious mechanisms, I intend to verify, by means of a search conducted under the supervision Prof. Vittorio Lingiardi, the extent to which "masculine" and "homophobia" may also constitute psychological attitudes in gay and lesbian people. The results are then published and commented on my degree thesis.
To achieve this, I strongly ask your cooperation by participating here that are better described the purposes of research and how to participate: = article & id = 20: Research-and sexism-homophobia-& catid = 2: Sexuality & Itemid = 3 [1 ]
Doctor of Psychological Sciences - "Sapienza" University Rome

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Toronto 24 By 7 Walk In Clinic Schedule

Gay attacked by three youths at a fast food in front of several witnesses to the beating death of Brenda

chased the man was hidden in a McDonald's but has been achieved, beaten and insulted He saved
able to take refuge in the manager's
Gay attacked by three youths at a fast food
the beating in front of several witnesses
E 'waiting for tomorrow to reopen the trial of Alessandro Sardelli, said Svastichella
Accused of assaulting a pair of gay guys, likely ten years in prison

LONDON - He had stopped his car in an area frequented by men dedicated to prostitution, and this was beaten by three guys, all Italians aged about 25, dressed in black, who followed him inside a Mac Donald's Rubicon Street, along the highway Milano-Meda. The homophobic attack occurred around 23 yesterday and the victim, an Italian 47 years, told police he had noticed, just as it had stopped the car park which is near the cemetery in the yard of Bruzzano, the three boys edge of a station-wagon.

The group certainly has to stop his car, turning on the headlights. Terrified, the man walked away quickly to find refuge in the Mac Donald's. Thinking that the presence of other people would be enough to ask them to stop, to stop following him. The intent of the three was clear and did not stop, however, have met and beaten, despite several witnesses. Threw him to the ground and kicked and punched in the face, shouting insults heavy homophobic. The man managed to escape only by entering the office of the director of fast food. The agents of the police are trying to determine the identity of the components of the 'punitive expedition' through the CCTV cameras in the room.

will leave tomorrow even the trial of Alessandro Sardelli, said Svastichella, the affected 40-year old accused of assaulting and seriously wounded a couple of gay guys on August 22 last year at the gay village of EUR, Rome. Last hearing on November 25 last year, the preliminary hearing judge Rosalba Liso had received the request for psychiatric examination made by the defense. Raymond Francis will be the psychiatrist to assess the capacity of consent of the accused and his danger to society. The proceeding was opened on 18 November with a request by the prosecutor Pietro Pollidori of ten years imprisonment for the crimes of attempted murder, severe injury and the port of weapon. Pilcher is in jail in Regina Coeli from 25th August.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Curtains Jewel Silver

make people think all

Press Arcigay - Just 11th World Day of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which by the murder of Rita Hester in Boston in 1998, recalls how they are deep and widespread prejudice and discrimination against transgender people, we learn that Brenda, transgender person involved in the rental Marrazzo, was found dead.

This coincidence should give pause to policy, the media, the public how they were humiliated in this period of transgender people, who unfortunately are forced in many cases, especially if non-Italian and without a permit, into prostitution.

whole story is tinged with dark colors of hours of pain and anger for those who, like the trans associations and homosexuals, all day trying to make people understand that, with a few simple legislative and social action, thousands of trans people may no longer live in the margins and a prey to criminal organizations.

We hope to be done soon light on this tragedy, that the prosecutors in Rome have registered as a murder.

The fact remains that Brenda is the next victim of an irresponsible spectacle of complex situations, handled as usual by the media to meet audience and sales of copies, which do not respect dignity, difficulties and personal histories marked by discrimination and violence of all kinds.

Aurelio Mancuso, president of National Arcigay

Printable version
ROME - An autopsy performed today on the body of Brenda, the trans was found dead yesterday in his apartment in Rome, confirmed that her death was' done by asphyxiation from carbon monoxide sprigionatosi in the fire broke out at his home. The TAC has also shown that the body of the trans there are no injuries. Continue reading this news
Enlarge image by clicking on
More photos on The Case Marrazzo
mattress bed semibruciato as to make visible the springs. Next to a suitcase, while in the bottom left a staircase that leads to a loft. Cosi 'appears the apartment of the transsexual Brenda, died yesterday in via Two Bridges, in Rome, where today there 'was a new survey of forensics and men of the squad of police. At the bottom of the apartment, also, is a wooden chair and a table on which there are some bottles. The signs most 'visible fire is concentrated in the area to the left of the entrance, in the small studio. Under the bed there seems to be an electric wire and a nearby pair of boots completely burned. The area of \u200b\u200bthe basin appears to be intact, so 'as the only window that is' closed. IN SEARCH OF THE CELL
BRENDA - Prosecutors investigating the death of Brenda are trying to find a second phone that transsexuals should possess. To suggest that the trans had another telephone are a few examples, which reveal that Brenda had more 'of a cell phone, and the theft of one of these devices on 8 November, during an attack. Yesterday, the spot investigation of internal via Two Bridges, investigators have searched for the alleged second phone even in garbage cans. The deputy prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo and substitute Rodolfo Sabelli await the results of technical analysis prepared on the computer found in a sink with the tap running and the completion of the finding of footprints in the studio. THE VIEW
Murder - It 's killing the argument most' likely behind the death of Brenda trans. This first conclusion arrived investigators Romans after the first investigations in this regard but there is' very confidential. Surely Brenda, whose real name was Wendell Mendes Paes, was alive at 2.30 last night. And 'one of the few certainties in the hands of investigators after heard the taxi driver who took home the zone of Water trans Sorrel, where he had beaten up at home, in the Two Bridges, where he and 'was found charred. The man also told that the trans, when and 'came home, I was alone.
At the prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo and substitute Rodolfo Sabelli examine the evidence obtained in a scene that investigators themselves define''dubious'': the computer in the sink, the flames had destroyed only a duffel bag, the air conditioner and the materesso, Brenda spills on the floor, completely naked. In addition, the main entrance was closed with a mandate, and could not find traces of a struggle and other presences in the house. There would also be drugs or barbiturates. However, the judges will be back in a small studio for further inspection. If the person who put the computer under the jet Brenda tap water did hope to destroy the memory, has probably made a mistake. 'Cause even when wet, intelligence sources point out, and' can retrieve the contents of the hard disk: and it 's what the experts will do the next day, when the prosecution will have' decided who will have to 'run the technical surveys. The investigators took note of the evidence under which Brenda would not have wanted to disappear, they 'commit suicide (''he was afraid of life - someone said - not where the story was over'') have already' provided technical advice on computer to verify its contents.
same prosecutors are now being evaluated under a different guise the end of Gianguarino Cafasso, the pusher of transsexuals who gravitate to the area via Gradoli, who died in early September from an overdose. A square Clodius are expected in the next few days the final results of the autopsy findings and not 'impossible that even death can set up a hypothesis that homicidal ..
''They killed her, I do not know who. Was mentally ill, he wanted to return to Brazil now have to find who did this.'' To speak, visibly shaken, and 'Barbara, a Brazilian transsexual friend of Brenda. Yesterday''with Brenda we met in a parking lot, we drank a glass of Ballantyne's, then we left him at home watching television,''says Barbara. Trans Brazil also claimed that''it 'Police will' Police did nothing''explaining that''all trans inhabiting this area are at risk of death, we very much afraid of the Romanians.''
Brenda was involved last November 9 in a fight with some aliens from Eastern Europe took place in a street in Cassia. Brenda was found in the ground with a few bruises and a strong emotional state of alteration by a patrol of the police call from a passerby. The transsexual, who was drunk and shouting incoherent sentences, denouncing 'to be robbed of purse and mobile phone.
DI PIETRO: ACCORDING TO ME NOT 'MURDER, CAUTION -''As a former prosecutor and investigator I beg to differ with those who, in these hours, with a lot of superficiality' and timeliness ', has already' taken for granted that the transsexual is Brenda was killed''so 'Antonio Di Pietro, leader of IDV. Gia'''is sparking a run to identify the alleged murderer and the motive. But we are confident - we demand - that it is murder and not a tragicissima and personal history of alcohol, drugs and drugs that had 'dipped' the transsexual Brenda, and bring to a death caused by it? I make this appeal to be careful because 'I do not want that, once again, we look guilty even when they are not there. In this sense, the prosecutor's statement that he would let slip that it would be a murder, or it 's never actually been made, oe' was also untimely.''
friend: BRENDA PHOTO BUT WAS DESTROYED -''I know nothing about video, the maximum he could have the photographs, however, 'has thrown.'' And 'what you said China, the transsexual friend and neighbor of Brenda, the viado Marrazzo involved in the case and found dead yesterday morning in his apartment in Via Due Ponti in Rome. China has also confirmed that, as far as I know, '''Brenda drank heavily and took drugs to sleep. That's' cause I think of an accident and not to have been killed.'' China has brought to the door of Brenda's a bunch of white daisies and has laid at the foot of the exit into tears. And then 'went to the supermarket to buy some candles, and' back in his home. Poor''Marrazzo, he had no guilt. And we too poor - added China - after the story had taken a certain direction, we were starting again quiet, but now after what has' happened ... Cursed be that day. However, I'm not afraid.'' Another transit, however, said he was very frightened:''A man, Italian - told - told me to shut up, not to speak. And once you and me on the street 'and a man approached a car window at me with his fingers the gesture of a gun.''
BARBARA: I DO NOT WANT TO DIE AS BRENDA -''I do not want to die like Brenda, I do not want its end.'' Said Barbara, a transsexual Via Due Ponti, during a press conference in Largo Sperlonga, a few hundred meters from where it 'was found dead on the cross involved in the case Marrazzo, organized by the President of Gayproject, Imma Battaglia, and the president of the Dragonfly for the rights of transsexuals, Leila Daianis. ''I'm afraid - he continued - yesterday there was a person on a motorbike who was waiting for me, I do not know if it was perhaps a policeman, but I ran away away and I got on a bus. Now we ask, and 'protection. We are treated like monsters and no longer work'''. Asked if he knew the pusher Gianguarino Capasso, Barbara said through tears,''Everyone knew.''
NATALIE: NOT SCARED, MAYBE IN VIDEO IN PC BRENDA -''I'm quiet. I'm not afraid 'cause I have not done anything.'' The transsexual said Natali ', Marrazzo involved in the affair, leaving his home on Via Gradoli in Rome. ''I was not friends with Brenda - he added - I've never known. I do not know if they killed.'' When asked if he was going to the police station, the trans responded''no. I am going to my lawyer.'' If I think of suicide Brenda? I do not know. If it 's happened and what' happened to her, can 'be that it is' cause he did something. I can not say. No one knows the truth 'and I can not say one thing that I do not know.'' And 'as transsexual Natalie said in an interview of 13 to TG2 on the death of viado involved in the case Marrazzo. It can'''be that you and' killed, it can 'be that someone ... - And is 'broken - but this is not' one thing that concerns me, I had nothing to do, we need to see the report.'' Asked by a reporter if he had seen the second or less video Marrazzo, Natalie said no:''I did not see, are things that are said to be around, but 'no one knows the truth'. If the second video was Brenda on the computer? What they say about it'''. Two dead, however, 'are something a bit' strange, suggests the reporter:''Strange and 'strange - he added - but' I can not say ... It 's not that I have friendly relations with those ... who live in the 'above, are here, I know some of my fellow countrymen. I'm really sorry because 'what is' success does not wish it on anyone. I'm not friends with her, I know why 'and' my fellow countrymen. If she gets drunk the first time as they told the newspapers when the police took it and 'its a private thing. If you take drugs, or if she 's sick things are his. To me I do not care - he concluded away from the cameras - I care about myself.'' (ANSA)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cute Sayings For Candy


So many hopes with the renewal of the Bodies of the Fund: Board of Directors and Board of Auditors. But in fact it must still street.
First of all no-show, the New Four directors of the corporation. " From mid-September to November, we waited all this time that the Company could decide, acting on the recommendations of COVIP. But no names. And that says a lot on the interest of RAI in wanting to contribute to good management of the Fund. Yet
of months have passed since the election of 40 delegates' meeting (with reference to trade unions) of the frieze of which I belong. A guilty
irresponsibility of the company that actually causes a paralysis of the complete renewal of the Board of CRAIPI. But we

Assembly held today in the famous Hall of Tapestries Viale Mazzini at Rome. Assembly a "registered" in video and voice that we were not informed in advance of the registration of which formally request an explanation and, eventually, destruction.

One of the key issues on the agenda covered the renewal of the offices of the unions: 4 directors and 2 auditors.
The vote was duly recorded in the presence of 37 delegates (of which 3 with responsibility for the absent and for which, formally, a total of 40 votes). The results were as follows:
For the Council Directors of candidates

ADVISERS unions ----------- ---------- Number of votes
DeSario Annalisa SLC-CGIL ----------------- ------------------ ----- 9
BARBERA Eugenio -------------------- 8 ------------ Snater
Tackett Ottavio Antonio -------- UILCOM-UIL - -------------- 8 ----------------------
FUSCO Bruno FISTEL-CISL ------- -------- 8
DE Micheli Giuseppe ------------- ------------------- 7
UGL-TCL GAL Gino ---------------------- CONF. SAL. LIBERSIND ----- 0
the first four were elected: Desario, Barbera, Tackett and Fusco.
For the Board of Auditors

AUDITORS candidates unions ------------- ---------------- Number IPPOLITO votes
Carmine ----------------- CONF.SAL. LIBERSIND --------- 17 ASCI
Francesca --------------------- ----------------------- SLC-CGIL 15
right gear UILCOM ---------------------- -------------------- 8-UIL
be elected the first two: Ippoliti and Asci.
Actually, as CGIL, we would have liked a greater effort on the part of some unions and to submit new names. But anyhow: there is a stubborn will of conservatism that I do not know, who can benefit. You can say it all: they have also worked in the best possible way. But after fifteen years it seemed that only Fidel Castro and Gaddafi resisted their seat of "power", historically speaking.
obtorto neck ...
And if the company right now, we're not giving any hand, we hope in the proposals that the delegates of the CGIL put in the submission of motions in the previous assemblies, requiring greater transparency of information in respect of subscribers to the Fund and that gratified to see today in part by reports made by the President of CRAIPI.
In particular:
- each member will receive a quick home a "note" of 8 pages which will be given some information on the overall situation and their personal investment of the supplementary pension (section A, B and C, management and extract Budget, major changes of the Statute, an excerpt the report of the Study Olivieri showing some aspects of the Fund, the "statins" compiled by Previnet with all the "economic numbers" of the member);
- you can get the information of the financial situation as at 30/06/09 of CRAIPI , statement by the same management company Previnet;
- for example have been provided the following information: Budget
CRAIPI to 30/06/09: +2.28%
Asset Management (corresponding to about 123 million Euro): + 4.57%
Mutual Funds (including Bonds): +1.8%
Asset Bond: Number
kept constant advances (in July with payment to October): 642 (equivalent to 11.4 mil €)
Number Redemptions: 154 (with an average of € 50,000 per person)
- ready cash liquidity problems because: from January to June 2009 were 16 joined the millions of Euro 13 million in front pay, on Sept. 19 million against 16 million in charges. Remains a problem the lack of incentive to enter the Fund to obtain fresh resources.
- Situation of members called "silent" (Law 252/05): the quantity in the next Budget statement will be spun off to make it clear.

The financial data provided by the President, are very temporary and bodes well for the trend of year-end. But it would be appropriate to make a comparison with the trend of other pension funds in order to say that all is well.

remains, however, pending the next shareholders' meeting to put on the agenda and the statutory changes included the development of investment processes with notes, at the time not yet satisfactory.
This also and especially with a view to finally consider our fund similar to a supplementary pension fund normal, with no exceptions of any kind (TFR share under warranty, opportunity umbrella, open to users and / or outside investors, and so on. )

In the meantime I would ask all members of workers exercise their voice on the "deafening silence" of the RAI in respect of lack of commitment in bringing forward their directors and auditors. In
Assembly was asked to produce a formal letter of invitation extended by the Directorate General of RAI that by the end of November will be provided the names of corporate bodies of the corporation. Contrary, a further letter will be sent to COVIP to emphasize that non-compliance.
Following this, although the directors and auditors of the unions have been elected, in fact, are "frozen".
course, "in prorogatio", are the old ones. UNFORTUNATELY!
See you soon.
Mauro Zorzan
CRAIPI Officer (RAI Milan)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mottled Fingers Images

Assembly Member CRAIPI Milan

This assembly aims to be the first in a series that will follow each time it is considered appropriate to give information on the situation of CRAIPI.
we're all votandoci thank those who have placed their trust in us and with our commitment, we will not betray her. For everyone else, we hope to conquer in the future with our work. It is true that
CRAIPI is an institution whose delegates were elected by the various representatives of trade unions in national lists Personally I claim
`s membership in the CGIL, with all its peculiarities. But this does not affect a fundamental thing: that the interests of all workers enrolled in the Fund remain the goal to preserve.
Moreover, being the only representation of delegates at Milan, we are entrusted with greater responsibility. Coming

object of the meeting.
As you have read the document circulated in recent days, June 9 was held in Rome, the first Assembly of Delegates (newly elected) in the presence of the Board (and promptly due to be renewed).
A House that has proved quite tense as a result of several instances and displayed on the work of the Board that led to (but reality is still in effect) an inspection of all documentation by the COVIP.

The monitoring report of the Study Olivieri and the presence of experts on behalf of the three main financial managers of our Fund has been the response by the RAI and the Board of Directors, which should have been used to reassure (for us and you understood) .
Indeed, the speakers were very calm and stressed, of course, the unpredictability of financial markets these days: the day before deciding to invest with all the measures and predictions of the case could not be more appropriate on the following day.
But no one here claim to have a crystal ball. We
wanted, however, express regret at a missed opportunity: the constant information of the facts, the difficulty in obtaining the documentation in paper format, to access the minutes or records of previous meetings, consultation and a more assiduous information to members of the Fund .

A demonstration that only now, after intense pressure, unlike previous years, delegates were able to get the "Financial Statements as at 31/12/2008. Obtained well in advance on the timing of the debate and its eventual resolution which will take place June 26.
We know that between you there will certainly be people who will read the budget by heart. But this is not the
purpose of our meeting.
certainly is a help to understand and extract some data. To begin the
given for excellence
the net yield of the Fund for 2008 was negative (-6.6%).
The decrease in net asset value over the previous year is just over 14 million euros compared to 203.4 million euros in value for benefits.
should be said that the decrease is, for now, only potential and become real only if you were to demobilize a large amount of investments for liquidity.
As regards the analysis of the investment portfolio, we can say that, up to 31/12/08, was composed of a 80% bond and the remaining shares. Currently (May 2009) we have a 1% residual equity. How
- Asset Management 19.32%
- UCITS (Undertakings for investm collar mob val) IT + EU
20.84% \u200b\u200b- 38.80%
Insurance - Bonds 12.10%
IT - Other 8.94%

active members of the Fund 7947 (+307 from 2007) increased according
accession with the TFR (Law 2005)
As described in the structural characteristics of the Fund, stressing that the "availability of CRAIPI are fully employed with the rules of prudent caution."
not forget that it is a fund established by collective agreement in 1989 to ensure the highest level of prudential coverage by the provision of supplementary pensions and therefore long-term expectations.

Therefore, what we consider fundamental, is to verify aspects of balance sheet assets and accounts in order to express the proportion that the Fund must receive credit (currently growing strongly, especially for shares of the TFR).
we want to do it on a line of reasoning for the shares of anticipation.
Given the amount of contributions received amounted to little more than 21 million, the payment for the advances was 10.7 million.
The vast majority are done for different types of needs from health care costs and buy the first house (1020 to 1175).
We are saying that you need to return the trust that has been lacking in recent times, both for economic reasons, is the difficulty to deal with the bodies of CRAIPI.
is important to keep focused strictly limiting the supply to their pensions to avoid dismantling property that might be made in bad times.
Furthermore, compared to other pension funds, ours is relatively small. When it comes to investments there are, in addition to the entry and exit fees, commissions gestione.Queste latter are not fixed but please take a value if the customer is VIP. And if these are the financial mass is sufficiently fair.

certainly a consideration should be made: there should be a majority of investments with maturities and / or shorter-term horizons. This is to make more "malleable" financial liquidity and minimize the risk of ready cash in times of an exceptional nature.

Propose to make a comparison with other funds (which you can check on the public Internet to the 2008 budget approved in advance compared to ours). Our
has the characteristics of a monocomparto with features that should be considered conservative, according to the criterion of equity in defined contribution schemes, that is subject to tax in lieu of income tax to the extent of 11%.

We'll reference two funds (Budget 2008):

Metalworkers and related

+ 2.37% + 3.63%
3.56% - 15.67%

the telecommunications workers

GUARANTEED + 3.33% / 3.31% +
ORANGE / Growth - 19.38%

We can compare our Fund with those%:

6.6% max 20 min 80% equity
% bonds

max 30% equity
min 70% bonds


max 25% equities 75% bonds

GREEN / Cautious - 2.68%

The figures speak for themselves.

Our weakness remain on the heavy investment of insurance for many of them to enter the case in 2001 when their value was the highest.

what to do for the future?

- immediately obtain all the information regarding the Fund
including cases of conflicts of interest
- Ask a transaction transparency and clarity to members
- Soliciting Organs of CRAIPI to perform its task management and control in a responsible and honorable.

And as for the peculiar constitution of the Fund:

- the flexibility of the Fund
- Making the Fund attractive to external factors
- Increase the balance sheet with new resources
- Leaning on external management professionals
- Propose at least the establishment of the guarantee fund, a guaranteed return, at least for the TFR

While the first three points is the duty of the delegates' meeting demand it out of respect for members, the rest will go to the Board hopes that you perform an in-depth discussion.

A after June 26 for the outcome of the deliberation of the Budget 2008.

Zorzan and Mauro Giorgio
Calabria (delegates CRAIPI Milan)