the breath of thought for a moment together
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Invitation To Paid Dinner
the breath of thought for a moment together
Friday, March 18, 2011
I Have Vitiligo On My Face
Biography fresh fresh-ton of the responsibility that a prince is already heavily stuttering is seen landing on him, first with the death of his father and then with the abdication of his brother, in love with American divorcee Wallis Warfield Simpson. In "The speech of the King" is about the father of Queen Beatrix of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth Windsor-Wettin, Elisabeth 2 ^ for the Italians, whose Bertie parents and Liz in the film are played by Colin Firth and 2 credibilissimi Helena Bonham-Carter. The film begins with the little family already full of girls, Elizabeth and Margaret. I do not like the stories in their own gifts, and if I like how human history and politics is because winds around the constant struggle that the man hired at the age of school with their "verbal disfluencies", perhaps due to the correction of a congenital left-handedness. With an initial interview by the wife of the prince, between the speech therapist Lionel Logue and the future George 6th, begins a relationship that will lead to forced confidential friendship for life. Gl'interventi by sympathetic character and eclectic ranging from Australia before the old king died at the radio address to the nation's already leading the Kings, on the occasion of the declaration of war against Nazi Germany. The film is punctuated with values \u200b\u200bsuch as responsibility, courage of therapeutic innovation, and the Family. There are just small hints of the private lives of two men, all loving fathers and husbands and 2. The locations of the buildings, the firm, and the Abbey are perfect, and the actors fits perfectly, since the plaintiff Australian Geoffrey Rush, former star of "Shine" in the part of speech therapist, the future baronet. By the time the techniques used by Logue were revolutionary, sdrammatizzanti quirky and unexpectedly, developed from his experience in the field with Australian war veterans, stuttering after severe shock, and also on "Bertie" show to work almost immediately. Even the dialogues and screenplay are modeled on the unconventional nature of the treatment and the therapist. Other notable characters are Churchill and the Archbishop of Canterbury. This film, which can also move us if Bertie identifies herself in the uncomfortable and perseverance of Lionel, was much appreciated by Queen Elizabeth.
the same lady, five years ago, on the contrary just liked the film on a very short period of their lives, "The Queen", but certainly not moving for me as well-built, none other than Stephen Frears: is the crisis that followed the accident in Paris that claimed the lives of Diana Spencer, former wife of Charles, heir to the throne, and her companion Dodi Fayed. A film where everything works perfectly, from the costumes to performers, to the rhythm of spy movie, with characters all true, and where Helen Mirren gives a portrait of the lady with very human nuances of coldness very realistic. A film about the volunteer reserve one of the most powerful women in the world, at that juncture was advised by a newly-elected Prime Minister Tony Blair to comfort and reassure his subjects estrangement and services secrets over the death of the then most popular member of the British royal family.
However 2 movies to look and see!
How Make Eyelashes Longer
How To Mastubatewoman
second post within a few hours ... but today I'm walking three feet above the sky ... so there is!
stroll on foot for my neighborhood, Greek Milanese, for some 'commission pre-departure ... and many meetings.
I never expected to find many people in the morning for my "country."
"Andre, but how many pounds have you lost? You're just so good!"
Three people I met, three people the first thing that have come up with this phrase, or the like.
I do not look ... I always drive on the bacon ... that bothers me ... how much boredom kills me!
But in fact the rest is starting to settle ... It confirms that perseverance and WILL 'POWER work. I believe it! And now I have confirmation.
And finally my time is coming ... which is in fact already arrived for a while '... but now he begins to "prepare" as I would have never thought of.
clarify that I am not a self-centered, not a daffodil, but I know that after this post someone in private, he will see me (... right?;)). It 's just that I never much believed in me ... in my ability ... often tend to underestimate ... and now I see that things are changing ... many doors, after the doors closed, starting to take shape in front of me. Yes .. in front of me ... I stared ... I do not believe ... I do not really ... there will be someone behind ... and instead I am.
And now the mirror ... I see myself differently.
How nice! I write ... waiting to get on the road to Pavia, where I expected a wonderful FashionBlogger for a few days take me away ... to Biot ... take a walk along Rue d'Antibes in Cannes and finish the evening at Le Quai in that of St Tropez ... or what we want to do ... These days I just want to feel good to think about ... I hope there!
A world next week!
I love you!
Hello ............ World, I'm Andrew! ^ __ ^
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Can You Wear A White Sweater In February

and here we are at home .... finished eating the sushi in front of the TV SushiShop ... and I remember the beautiful day passed.
Lunch "Ma & Pa" and then running from my beautiful hens Legal ...
Meet in front of the Paul Smith store on Via Manzoni ... yes yes ... c'mon, c'mon ... a nice T-shirt and I look at the stripes belt that I'm doing a long wire.
"Andreeeeee ... we are here. ... But the shop is closed between the arrivals ?"... Nuuuuu! What bad news. But I'm here ... and I see ...
Let's go for a nice pausini from milky white, and so we tell the world. And so it is. So many words ... a break with luscious milk shakes, chocolate cake and the usual reports on the last period.
Today I needed to be pampered ... and my two beautiful maidens we can always ... Who more tenderly, more or protectively.
And then ... via ... via ... way of Misfortune, Corso Venezia, Piazza San Babila, Corso Monforte. How to change
stores ... as prices rise ... some mind-blowing! A trivial and even more particularly T-Shirts Burberry Brit 95 €! Tenetevela! And sneacker? 250 €. No thanks.
To the shopping aspect FashionGirl advice of my favorite ... that tomorrow will accompany me in a nice tour Biot-Cannes-St_Tropez ... uahouuuu!
Forecast Sun and Sun and clouds ... 18/19 degrees with maximum ... ^ __ ^
Then a passage from SushiShop ... that there is also in Cannes ... for a while 'expense take away ... two separate orders? Yes Yes .. we are ONE PAIR OF SINGLE ... us) ... ah ah ah ... and if committed the ride with us.
Now they are all a mix of perfumes ... Annick Goutal Docet. And maybe tomorrow in Cannes can also buy one at a decent price.
It 'nice to have friends like this ... and think of phrases such days ago with a special person for me (sappilo! !!)... must be able to take and give people what they can give us and that we can give ... beauty is in the little things.
Today I am particularly happy ... I was just fine. THANKS GIRLS!
This song is dedicated ... If you have understood if I say I've got ... but I already know that you ... Vous aimez la France ... comme moi;)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Why Does Alabama Not Put Logo On Helmet
What Does Purple Stand For In February
Attilio Pratella: Ida Maria
I inserted in the electronic journal that I founded and directed TELLUSfolio (2005-2009) MANUAL TELLUS (setting out the name and head of the magazine / yearbook Marco Di Claudio Baldino-Scalzo, 1990-2009), textbook for the period of three years and above in the section where LAB are explained teaching units, courses for the exams, term papers. In parallel section TELLUSmostre, always in the same newspaper, I have included links with "and ART SCHOOL and also view this manual will be re-released and expanded on TELLUS MANUAL / HANDBOOK OF CLASS. Recent developments in the online manuals confirm the novelty of my intuition six years ago! MANUAL TELLUS will re-released on this weblog as the present, currently on TELLUSFOLIO has been distorted and taken online against my will as an author and lecturer by Editrice Labos-Cooperative Labos Morbegno. Claudio Di Scalzo
Plaster Of Paris Where To Buy
Born in 1848 in Paris, Gauguin, after years of entering school in the Navy, and after several trips abroad remains for 12 years, well-paid clerk in a bank. They are serene years, lived together with his wife, Danish, and five children. Then, in 1883, exploded a passion for painting, which reveals his great talent, but destroying our heritage and family. The new problems surface, simple shapes, strong colors and whole, put it at the outset in a position of conflict with the Impressionists. In Britain the first born of these works that try to solve the problem of surface and color (see images attached in the "Yellow Christ"). In Panama and the island of Martinique, he finds even more colors that match his imagination, an elementary nature, that excited him, and perhaps rise again in his impressions of childhood, when, with his mother and siblings, lived in Peru from the third the seventh year of life. The imperious temper his aggression issues in art led him to conflict with friends, until tragedy with Van Gogh in Arles in the fall of 1888. In the spring of that year he made his artistic credo, a successful sale of his paintings offered him in 1891, the possibility of starting a life completely different regions of the South Seas. After some initial disappointment, he is what really had always sought beauty, unspoiled nature, purity of being. He painted until all its resources and all his forces back, after a break in Paris (a legacy, it receives in those years, is soon consumed, the pictures do not have the expected success) is again in the islands of the South Seas, writes (Noa-Noa) and picturing life and myth created, until his death in 1903, sculptures and drawings, in the midst of great spiritual and material difficulties, which still knows real rip masterpieces.
2wire Gateway Blaster Virus
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Benefits Of Floor Wiper
my sadness is rare comforted just thinking
Monday, March 14, 2011
How To Convert A Brstm File To Mp3 Free

And maybe Milan is calling to me if ... is trying in every way to make me understand that I am part of her as she is part of me.
I made a bet ... I said that I would have wanted to go ... but I would have tried again one last time.
And then things, as if by magic, began to change ... my city is being done to rediscover ... yet still cool, detached, chaotic and alienating ... but under this foggy patina appears at a first quick look ... there is still a world full of life ... Milan is still a living and to drink ...
few days I have shared here. Today I write it down on paper. For the rest there are the weekends & holidays. For
now I leave you, my dear city! ;)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Low Hcg Symptoms And Pregnant And Hot
And now I wonder ... without the aid of special effects.
well well well I see to put all my cards on the table ... I think I've ever done ... I thought that the evolution of my writings I came to understand that now because it is' time to live for me ... but perhaps a résumé is used to explain who I am, what I feel, what I went through and because of my attitudes, past and present. I have no problems or fear to expose myself, to be transparent ... I've always done ... although still not recommended by those who know me, never show his weakness they say ... but is part of me ... is part of the package! Access version 1.0 ")
I'm fine now ... it is true ... apart from the fact that physically I'm still a bit 'tired, as I pointed out the Vera ... but it's only fault that I'm doing more than my current energy ... but that's okay ... to me now is good. My body finally understand that now I decide.
started from the beginning ...
Nine months ago my world fell apart. 18 years of rhythms, habits, sharing, lifestyle always in the same direction ... all over ... all finished in ... nothing.
must start from scratch. Place ... no use crying over spilled milk too.
The first few months, in addition to feeling dead inside, lost, even the body had left me ... dead ... unstimulated .. without any stimulation ... ANYONE!!
... and this summer I had the opportunity to wake up ... but it was too, maybe it was too soon, or maybe I needed more ... or perhaps someone else at that moment ... instead of her, my little porcupine.
In the end, although I learned a lot in my development, despite the blow, however, I have served (at least I hope !)... I came out, not by my choice (for a change!), with more injuries than before. And to think that I seemed to have entered into a beautiful dream ... and to think that many many many friends I had been advised not to throw myself into something this time ... all with the same leitmotif ... "Fun for now, think of you and only you, enjoy it, take off all the whims, sweeping the world" ... but I do know, are tough head ... and if you believe in something, if I have principles, than I moved away. A ce the FOR! And then the blow number two!
I struggled in recent months to return to an acceptable level. I'm still struggling and still struggling.
Trying to live those three months with a person that important to me more like a good memory to remember a beautiful moment of my life, a good experience, and not as a second blow, a "second rip-off", probably the worst first ... not as something negative ...
But all is, even if what I have left now is that not I know if I can believe in dreams.
but now I want to live ... but I can not think of locking myself in something that I fear however ... something that makes me feel that I can not breathe ... ONLY NOW I NEED TO BREATHE carelessly!
does not seem wrong to do this with anyone ... and having spent what I spent ... I understand that when I could to hurt ... I prefer to give up something probably good.
It 's absurd ... sometimes ... would give a 100 and you ask 20 ... and because of that you get to 100 "so many smiles ... when one feels that for now can only give 20 ... he is asked the 100 ... and probably will end in "lot of smiles." Well ... each time wrong. Or rather .... Every time I'm wrong.
We see that besides being very odd hours are asynchronous;)
.... salt and rain on me ... Ale, this is for you! ... I know you read me. ^ __ ^
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Rcaing Sailboat 20-30 Feet
A pillar of world cinema , direct, and not only by Bob Fosse.
Berlin, at the time of the Weimar Republic, while the political conflict haunts German society, the economy destroyed and millions of unemployed Sally, a singer Merican boyish-faced, falls in love with two men while the Nazi party came to power, without which none of them pay particular attention to the thing. Brian, a student at the University of Cambridge intends to complete his studies in Germany earning a living teaching English in a boarding house where he became friends with another boarder, Sally, in fact. And 2 will all be seduced by Max, rich playboy, covering them with gifts and attention. Near the end Sally becomes pregnant, and Brian offer themselves to marry her.
All the characters are tied to the Kit-Kat Klub, a nightclub where Sally performs. Liza Minnelli embodies the exuberant Sally, who shares a scene of decadent cabaret with the "Host" interpreted by a perfect Joel Grey, who seems aware of everyone's life. Brian sally port, which has the face of Michael York, in his world, wanting to make him one of his many lovers, only to discover a homosexual, even if celibate. Around their other 2 students are also part of Brian: Fritz Wendel, poor crypto-jew, who is a gigolo and he meets precisely the heiress Natalia Landauer, hard, beautiful and a Jew. Natalia Fritz would like to see just how checkbook, but he falls in love, and eventually is revealed and they marry.
Sally, finally, come home without his fur coat, a gift from Max, and Brian realizes that if it is sold for an abortion. Max with an excuse them liquid with a letter and some notes, but without doing all the fabulous trip they had planned.
The structure of this film is wonderful and perfect, because although it has nothing of a musical operetta: all those songs on stage and heard as background music, played on a phonograph or sung by a choir contraltari ironic or explaining the various situations in the history of gin cotton. Just to be clear, no one says "I love you" to his girlfriend singing. The song expresses the guiding philosophy of history, "life is a cabaret." The screenplay and dialogues are very realistic, witty and never dull. Here, all the performers I happened to "chase" and acknowledge, in my opinion are the best of their abilities, perhaps only Michael York played other characters on a par with that of Brian. We say that this film and its actors are a perfect recipe! The most Minnelli has never been so convincing as an actor, Joel Grey, perhaps because of his face so characterized, is not never been like protagonist with a part of boundary, as it speaks with anyone outside of the cabaret, managed to be a leader. Marisa Berenson, as talented beautiful ornament alters, may have done an encore in "Barry Lyndon". Even Max, Fritz, the landlady, our colleagues in the cabaret, music, landscapes, interiors, the choreography, everything is structurally flawless and exciting. And as in English, it must be recognized that the dialogues and the Italian dubbing made fully honor the original, it still took eight Oscars and many other awards and nominations.
a pillar of modern cinema, to find, enjoy and maintain a film that is incredibly boring ever, and how I think in many.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Are Retirees Insurance Premiums Tax Deductable
Very soon, Ludwig was interested in music, and his father taught him the fundamentals of Jhoanna sublime art day and night, when he returned home after the repetitions or the tavern. That your child the gift of music leaves no doubt, and his father Johann thought of it a child prodigy, like a young Mozart.
Unfortunately, one of his patrons, Prince Lobkowitz, had serious financial difficulties at that time, Prince Kinski died of a fall of horse and their descendants tried to get rid of the obligation financial contract in favor of Beethoven. Will be the beginning of several processes that the composer will take to safeguard its financial independence.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Can You Masterbate With An Egg
heartened heartfelt languor
satisfy a rabid ardor
in the cold sun under our warm loving
What Does The Nfl Do With Old Helmets

I saw you come
and summer after summer I saw you you were the first to grow
little girl who was with the group of small
over time you became one of us
and then in time we lost
It 'nice to find you
It' nice to discover how then
As if time had never passed
More Mature Women Over
We say that we can all support each
will share
I'm always good about yourself
Love You So Much It may seem absurd
adding the few moments of so many years
But there is something that can not be explained
And we see that we ARE OVER
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Showers With Built In Benches

... and start again from the circle to the head ... a circle in the head but now that I carry with honor if it were my Crown by King
Yesterday it was a really nice day ... multozzo apart that I almost caught him late evening.
the morning with the arrival of the new album by Subsonica, and in the evening to "side" with my journalist fashion favorite. At five past
now shoot me your phone ... FREE!
And in the car to retrieve the Manu ... then immediately after the ... Madonna in the car reminds us of our past of young men (although the old me, the Manu has only 28 !)... a couple of cigarettes ... chitchat and a change of tactics look ... and are in that street Cerva. Half of the first stage Angélique DeVil. By Letizia and her wonderful shop but I will speak later, as things to say there are many on this small but lovely corner of the world. Some flute Champ ... a visit to the areas "hot" of the store and then back on the track for the second openings ... the opening of the store Zara-Style Stradivarius. A Laura Chiatti that instead of her hanging out with all the other girls in the audience ... undone, and matted hair regrowth evident ... and then what can I say? "To me nun me Piasca propio") Again bubbles galore ... chatting with friends old and new ... and then my "head" tells me that we have to go to a reading at the Living ... Arco della Pace area ... Arrived ... abandoned car on the "bad god" ... We go into the room ... But I've got me hungry, offices. But nothing ... we want to take something? ok ... Two wrongs ... and no food. And while the readers read parts of the book of Mazzantini on the marriage crisis, we chat a bit with letting go 'of healthy relaxation, aided by alcohol ingested with food vuotissimo.
It 's late, it's time to go, the show is over and you go home, not before being squared by a couple of fighters that has been done via a lever buckling fines ... pain shared is a joy? I only know that they were at least 10 years since I caught a fine ... here!
back on track ... I accompany my lady to her carriage and then travel to each "up home". Who comes first? I just know that I played a chip "All That You Want" ... mo and I know cocks! ;)

But back to the principal moment of the evening ... the event from which the appointment was born ... and one to which I wanted more.
Via Cerva is a wonderful place just behind viettina San Babila, a few shops, very old Milan, my old tea shop and Angélique DeVil. The first time we met Angélique and I was due to my lawyers ... he had to do shopping appetizing ... a fast switch ... a compliment of admiration ... and to meet again soon.
and the loan is finally here. Yesterday I was able to enjoy this time with the right temple of seduction and eroticism ... Game two.
Greeted by flute of bubbles bring two beautiful and funny girls of the shop, we started shooting, watching, photographing, until I made my first faux pas.
"But it's the only store of this brand in Italy?"
"Brand? Angélique DeVil is an Italian brand, and this is the only shop. "
" But how? Touché, Liberty, Equality, sensuality? "
" No no ... I respond, the mastermind behind everything is Italian, and Letizia. "And show me a beautiful young woman dressed all in black and do a very sensual and classy.
I do not waste a second, I'm going to submit and attach button. Very classy, \u200b\u200bbut at the same time very nice and the hand. ... He tells me of his idea of \u200b\u200bsexy lingerie and well cared for and match them up with the idea that a couple games, in its intimacy, can experience.
I am now understand that the idea is something that is not vulgar, just a few things, chosen carefully, with particular regard to materials, workmanship and originality. In fact we are not in a sex shop ... seems to be more of a boutique luxury amenities. Among
location very French boudoir and lingerie, I launch with a comment that, as a good regular at the Provence, I assumed it was all made in France. And instead I get updated on the "new mode". The French are alert to this type of lingerie, but are more related to the world of "romance" ... while the British as well as those who care (apparently only lingerie, given that country appears to have not the slightest taste! IMHO) in particular, are also very interested in the idea of \u200b\u200b"play two". It shows me nice bracelets Satin hit that can be turned into handcuffs. Elegant bandages to limit the view and thus amplify the senses ... than many other toys you can find out by going to visit the boutique. I even spoke with her on 8 March and the fact that women feel and not hunters or prey items ... they are undermining the place of the old "macho" he thought he had power in their hands ... creating some admiration, in other prehistoric inhibition and perhaps even more outrage, but finally being able to carry their games. It eventually becomes a fight on equal terms "... quite a challenge ... a really good game! ;) Hi hi hi
worse than I thought ... I was told "you're not funny red in the face "... and instead, without even knowing it ... perhaps for the first time ... I was calm ... full of myself ... at home ... and happy with this new experience. I feel your that "I'm coming !"... indeed, already there ... Now I can fly again! Stay Tuned!;)
photos ... most of those made by me, can be found at link below ... I'm pretty proud of the result obtained by working with the machine without flash and manual (I know tatina! I do not have to repeat ad infinitum! And I know you do not want me calling you tatina ... but I did it!: P prrrrrrrrrrrr)
https: / / #
The song has nothing to do much today ... or maybe ... the six degrees of separation ... and who needs to know knows! ;)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Youth Slogans Cristian

few little words ... I have no time and no mind now;)
... tonight will be the inauguration of a photographic exhibition by Angélique DeVil and are too ... you know ... excited (I would say that since the issue is the right word ... hi hi hi!) idea ... so my head is already somewhere else ... and I just wrote two lines two ... ^ __ ^
Today was released the album by Subsonica ... the last ... entitled EDEN. Purchased
hour ago from iTunes ( ) ... Twenty
in the last 9 tracks are remixes, one piece of the gods, one of the Angel and the remaining 7 of Eden. Today
expected a pretty giornatona (apart from the mega risked frightening bang for a few millimeters in the morning with a taxi driver without arrows ).... and greet you with a list of pieces and a piece of the last album.
1. Eden
2. Snake
3. The Flood
4. Domestic Product filthy
5. Petrol Ogoshi
6. On Sun
7. When
8. Porcupine
9. Among The Gods
10. Function
11. The angel
12. Among the gods (Funk Alternative Version)
13. The angel (Boost Demo)
14. Eden (Pastaboys Remix)
15. Eden (Alessio Mereu Remix)
16. Eden (Los Updates Remix)
17. Eden (W! DJ LD Remix)
18. Eden (Phil Weeks - Remix Chris Carrier)
19. Eden (JM Aboga - Danny Fidda Remix)
20. Eden (Krakatoa Freestyle Remix)
Eden and porcupine .... I would say that I have already given in abundance with their two ... even if Porcupine is always in my heart!!
This tour will introduce the Flood! Enjoy the music ^ __ ^
Monday, March 7, 2011
Felicity Adult Baby Source

... and here I am ... just arrived in the office ... half dazed ... aching back ... cooled slightly ... but who cares!
Today I cooked, but I feel Daddio!
This week started well for me. Wake up at 7 as usual ... but unlike the usual I turn around ... Today before 10 I will not be in office ... for once I decide to take it easy. The coup Walther P5 compact informs me that they are not the only one dazed this morning ... pain shared is a joy? I do not know anymore. I am me ... and it is that if others are like me, I change something ... indeed, a bit 'I am sorry to hear diggenticomatose.
It starts with the office of Madonna in Revolver version appalla David Guetta ... Milan and I had not seen for a time ... even if the roads are the same as always ... my head is to translate the signals in different ways ... Piasca em!
Today I do not feel much the same ... and how many things I have to do these days ... and what I would do as of now ... one can speak of Overbooking also for personal activities? ;)
Yesterday, despite a sore back, the walker in motion gave me so much on an emotional level ... the couple of my girl on two wheels is something draining ... a push that makes you fly ... I just hope it did not cross-camera ... which is fine if you exceed twice the speed limit on a highway? I port forward with a small advertisement ... AAA Volunteers Wanted Donor Oranges
^ __ ^ The day before, Saturday, a nice walk through the whole of Milan from Northeast (Greek) to the southwest (Navigli) finding more pace and time that Milan did not, armed with my beautiful Dina (Nikon D90) ... then the encounter with my favorite ... Personal Shopper for once I am not to bring people out shopping ... but I let myself be guided by her ... I trust her to me, and not cheap!
Yet the cigar ... months since I had enjoyed a good Havana, and in all of this I came to a resounding fumarmi, pasty and paunchy Romeo y Julieta Churchill Wide.
may already be so close to my soil? Pending the Liberator crash on my way I keep ... and more I get rid of my brain and hand over "me alive" ... and the more I discover that it is all the exponential growth ... 1 to 2 ... 2 to 4 ... 4 to 8 ... and so on with this pace. There are so many nice surprises ... you just know how to see ... understand ... live them.
Many people who give you ... each in its own way something ... any meeting that is even unintentionally adds an anchor to your growth ... although sometimes you can not hear us ...
So many words ... and the comparison always helps ... always leave something that can help us to reflect and mature.
's all a continuous two-way exchange ... a shift of energy.
some days I wanted to write a post about my scorpions ... Andrea and scorpions ... but for today mon coeur threw out this ... and then leave the rest for another time ...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Lotion Like Creamy Mucus Before Period
The narrative mechanism is similar to that of "TotalRecall / Attodiforza" with Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone: "Unknown / senzaidentità" the Catalan director Colletserra, he says, since from landing, an American couple in Berlin. The main character played by Liam Neeson is always perfect, awakens from a coma soon after a car accident in a taxi in Berlin, which is rescued by Diane Kruger, earthy and very natural in the illegal immigrant taxi driver by profession. Suddenly you realize that what I remember to be his wife no longer recognizes him, and that a another has assumed his identity. The days are those of an international congress on biotechnology. When they begin to cadergli dead around the main character is addressed "to understand" a private investigator, former Stasi, which has the face of Bruno Ganz, one of my favorite actors, already in "Bread & Tulips" and "gliultimigiornidihitler. Other great for me in this film are Sebastian Koch, already seen in "Levitedeglialtri" Frank Langella and versatile: the first part of a scientist "pure" and the second in that of an ambiguous "family friend". The picture is reminiscent of the James Bond series with an added anxiety. The story, as well and in the studio shot on location in Berlin and Leipzig, in the end is pretty amazing but not very original but strange: it is still to be seen if only for the remarkable performances gathered here for Ganz, Kruger, Neeson and Koch, as well as for costumes treated by the same artist of "Addams"!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Mor Top Speed On A 400ex
Friday, March 4, 2011
Best Fake Id In Niagara Falls
Cky Skeletor Vs. Beastman
progressive early sneak our meeting
Get Rid Of Tin Taste From Canned Tomatoes
In the worst of the crisis, Gaddafi luxurious cries from his tent to exterminate the rats doped in the streets, that is, his rebellious subjects, and inquired the address of an acquaintance with a plastic surgeon to get a facelift as SB, which will have the number of the surgeon on the phone at the moment, with his five heirs collects 165 million € 544 million in dividends with liquids only in cases of holding the head of household. That the crisis is not equal for all is macroscopic: to hell with the economy growing companies in the Cape flourish. But unfortunately the majority of Italians think that this is the excellent result of entrepreneurship. Analysis: 12.5% \u200b\u200btax on investment income, 23% tax rate on the first employee, 21% is the coupon on dry leases. Spontaneous comment: other that proportion, but progression!